Over ten years ago Herbert R. Stollorz started his Bible knowledge journey from a scientist-inventor perspective. He soon discovered that his opinions needed continued updating to expand upon his early discoveries and to overcome the many theological false doctrines preached in most Christian churches made worse by biased unscientific theories taught globally in universities. These false theories were enforced by the education establishment due to receiving lucrative grants from the Illuminati World Bankers to gain absolute control. Their aim is to control and brainwash everybody in total atheism, which will destroy worldwide every culture of our 21st Century Civilization and fulfill Bible prophecy, now exposed from true science viewpoint.
For a quick overview of our research methods read the Preface!
The Pearls from the Bible Ocean contain short articles highlighting Herbert R. Stollorz’s continuing Bible research. His fourteen Babushka egg concept books explore and connect many mysteries of antiquity as well as Bible prophecy. History and prophecy form a continuum in the Daleth dimension of time and space that is accessible in its entirety by the Creator God of Israel.
The Pearls introduce and summarize new developments in research methodology as well as new applications of the analytical tools such as the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), the Rosetta Stone 7:5 ratio and the Jewish fast and feast days explained in his books.
Jesus advised his disciples to watch and pray. God’s Plan for Humanity, now revealed using science, strips away the artificial distractions of this deceitful age. It exposes why our present civilization rebels spiritually against its Creator even as it applies its twisted scientific knowledge to materially destroy the very genetic structure of biological life and pollute the environment.
Click here to read the Preface!
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Questions from our readers. Answers from Herbert R. Stollorz.
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Babushka Pearls by Topic
Pearls by Number
The Apocalypse has Started..Why Doesn't Seem Like It?
Ancient Calendar Clocks
Bible Verse Pearls
GMOs, Global Warming & Physics as Witnesses of Creation
Hope for Readers & the Saints
Jewish Feast / Fast Days & the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS)
New York's Demise and Ultimate Destruction
Questions for Christians
Theory of Free ENERGY for Dummies Directory: short lessons on "free energy" taken from the Pearls
Babushka Pearls by Number
• Amended Babushka Egg Concept Book #15 (2021)
• Nine (9) YouTube Videos (2015)
Pearl #910 - The Last Pearl
Pearl #907 - The Last of Many Bible Verses
Pearl #906 - The Echo of Many Bible Verses
Pearl #905: Parts 1-3 - Yeshua’s Kingdom - 7 Days Wrath 2024?
Pearl #904 - The Torah Bible
Pearl #903: Parts 1 & 2 - The Chet Age - The Seven Days of YHWH’s Wrath
Pearl #902: Cheth Age
Pearl #901: Parts 1,2,3,4,5 - Heavenly Proclamation
Pearl #900 Parts 1,2,3,4,5 - Predicting your Death or Resurrection – Solstice 2021
Pearl #889 - Last Warnings of the Apocalypse Birth Pangs
Pearl #888 - The Great Prize - The Mystery of Sainthood
Pearl #777 - The Return of Yeshua is Dated! 11 April 2017 - Passover
Pearl #666 - A Possible Forecast Ending God’s Wrath
Pearl #300: Part 4 - The Resurrection Plan of Mankind
(6-21-2021) -
Pearl #300: Part 3 - The Resurrection Plan of Mankind
Pearl #300: Part 2 - The Resurrection Plan of Mankind
Pearl #300: Part 1 - The Resurrection Plan of Mankind
Pearl #299 - Decoding Gabriel’s 2300 Days Prophecy – Dan. 8:14-16?
Pearl #298 - Forgotten Apocalypse 3018 AD
Pearl #297 - A Fulfilled Apocalypse Legacy of Jonah-II
Pearl #296 - Good Bye, the Prophecy Titanic is Sinking
Pearl #295 - 9 Av of Jewish History
Pearl #294 - Estimating the Return of Yeshua 5781 (2019)?
Pearl #293 - Part 2: Observing Nature – What is the Moon?
Pearl #293 - Part 1: Observing Nature – What is the Moon?
Pearl #292 - Fine-tuning Some Creation Dimensions
Pearl #291-A Big Surprise after 2018 (5779)
Pearl #290-Part 3 - Rosh Hashanah … 5779?
Pearl #290-Part 2 - Rosh Hashanah … 5779?
Pearl #290-Part 1 - Rosh Hashanah … 5779?
Pearl #289 - When will the Chet-Age (8) Close?
Pearl #288 - Will Yeshua’s Kingdom start after 5778?
Pearl #287 - Is the Moon a Sun Projection? (updated 4/15/19)
Pearl #286 - Have the Heh Witnesses Arrived?
Pearl #285 - Seven Abominations Changing Christianity
Pearl #284 - The Torah-Bible * Amos Chapter 1- 2
Pearl #283 - Some Comments about the Paranormal Applied to our Faith (Sun Eclipse 2017)
Pearl #282 - Consider True Science when Dating the Apocalypse
Pearl #281 - The Alpha YHWH Illuminated Tammuz 17
Pearl #280 - Pearl #280 (Resh ר - Pe פ) – Is Hallelujah in the Bible?
Pearl #279 - Babushka Egg Concept Book Prophecy Summation
Pearl #278 - How did Evil Start?
Pearl #277 - The Science-Based Spiritual Legacy of Jonah-II
Pearl #276 - Which Calendar is Correct?
Pearl #275 - Dating the Apocalypse Not Allowed?
Pearl #274 - The Final Countdown of God’s Wrath
Pearl #273 - The Biggest Proof Dating God’s Wrath
Pearl #272 - How does the Psychopath NYC FED Banker Cartel Operate?
Pearl #271- The Flat Earth Paradox
Pearl #270 - Why, How & When is the End of the 21st Century?
Pearl #269 - Purpose of God’s Plan for Mankind
Pearl #268 - Big Time Shocked
Pearl #267 - A Winter Solstice 2015 Calendar Correction
Pearl #266 - Assumptions in Science and Religion
Pearl #265 - Dear TV Pastor
Pearl #264 - Correcting Hebrew Calendar Mistakes
Pearl #263 - God’s Wrath Explained
Pearl #262 - Dear Researcher for Truth: What happened 25 July 2015?
Pearl #261 - Ophiuchus, the 13th Constellation
Pearl #260 - Predictions and Prayers, Why are they not Answered?
Pearl #259 - Free Energy for Dummies Exposed
Pearl #258 - Why is the Jewish Calendar Off by 244 Years? Part-1
Pearl #258 - Why is the Jewish Calendar Off by 244 Years? Part-2 -
Pearl #257 - A New Blood Moon Discovery
Pearl #256 - A Notice to Religious People
Pearl #255 - Letter Written to the Israel Knesset (11-11-11)
Pearl #254 - The History of the Kosmos
Pearl #253 - Is Allah Satan? An Arabic Taxi Story
Pearl #252 - Another PROOF that the 4 April 2015 Blood Moon will start the 150-day Apocalypse!
Pearl #251 - Take a Vacation on 5 February 2015, if you live in New York?
Pearl #250 - A Science-Metaphysical Kaleidoscope Reveals Jonah's Big FISH
Pearl #249 - Jonah' s Last Warnings
Pearl #248 - Epitaph of the Big Jonah Energy Fish
Pearl #247 - Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? By COG writer
Pearl #246 - Why is the Apocalypse only 5 Months?
Pearl #245 - The Apocalypse: a Cosmic Conflict Linked to the Ancient Tzolkin Clock
Pearl #244 - Japan's Radioactive Water Disaster could be solved free - no cost
Pearl #243 - The Book of Zephaniah Decoded
Pearl #242 - The Seven Mystery Thunders (Rev. 10)
Pearl #241 - Billy Graham's Prayer for our Nation
Pearl #240 - A Practical Guide to Energy Free Devices, Chapter 10 - Automotive Devices, by Patrick J. Kelley
Pearl #239 - The Apocalypse: a Kosmos Conflict
Pearl #238 - Why A New Earth - a New Heaven?
Pearl #237 – Sound Bites Part 1 to 17
Pearl #236 - A 666 Ezekiel Projection, Another Witness_4-3-2013
Pearl #235 - Sodom and Gomorrah Exposed
Pearl #234 – Mini Question and Answers Part 1 to 10
Pearl #233 - Hidden and Shocking End to Our Civilization_4-5-2015
Pearl #232 - The Himmelsscheibe as an Early Christian 'Lehrscheibe'
Pearl #231 – Index of Seven Trumpets Part 1 to 7
Pearl #230 – Babushka Pearlettes Part 1 to 22
Pearl #229 - Why is the UREE #16 Jet Engine so Powerful?
Pearl #228 - How Electricity is Magnified
Pearl #227 - Grace Bathed in Mortality
Pearl #226 - A Letter to Christian Churches Pointing to a 5-Month Apocalypse
Pearl #225 - Is Gravity Magnetic?
Pearl #224 - The Great Pyramid in Giza Reveals Next Earth Axis Change
Pearl #223 - A Letter to my Friends_2-10-2012
Pearl #222 - A Mirror Reflection Paradox of Babushka Egg Concept Book_7-23-2012
Pearl #221 - Seven Trumpet Babushka Eggs Daniel's 2300 Days Analyzed_5-17-2012
Pearl #220 - Endgame: Updated Apocalypse Projections and Satan's Biography_5-12-2012
Pearl #219 - Venus Orbit Dates the Apocalypse?_5-22-2012
Pearl #218 - The Truth About Water-Powered Cars
Pearl #217 – Signs of the Times
Pearl #216 - Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #16 with Thin Film Technology
Pearl #215 - What do my Babushka Egg Concept Books Teach?
Pearl #214 - 75 Bible References of the Saints
Pearl #213 - What is the Plan for Mankind?
Pearl #212 - Forgotten Videos: A) Bible – B) Religion - C) Science
Pearl #211 - This and That: Buy Very Entertaining Videos
Pearl #210 - Pictures
Pearl #206 - Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #16 - Jet Motor and UFO Engine - Sections A & B
Pearl #205 - The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #15: Golf-Commuter-Car Zapperino_11-1-12
Pearl #204 - The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #14: Herbert's Perpetual Automobile Kit_11-1-12
Pearl #203 - The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #13: Advanced Electric Generator_11-21-12
Pearl #202 - The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #12: GRAVITY Conversion with Super-Magnets_11-1-12
Pearl #201 - The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine #11: Extracting Electricity from Atoms_11-1-2012
Pearl #200 - Jonah’s Three Witnesses (10-29-2011)
Pealr #199 - An open Letter to the US President Barak Obama
Pearl #176 - Japan’s Nuclear After Effects (6-29-2011)
Pearl #175 - Electromagnetic Pulse
Pearl #174 - Two Future Jewish Temples
Pearl #172 - Some Implications: Why the Apocalypse?
Pearl #169 - Islam is the Prophesied Beast System (Updated 8-31-2010)
Pearl #168 - What is a Saint?
Pearl #165 - A Time Dimension: The First Genesis Creation Act
Pearl #164 - Four Veil Symptoms of the Apocalypse in 2009
Pearl #163 - Can Genes be Reproduced for 900 Years as in Genesis?
Pearl #161 - The Apocalypse has Started
Pearl #158 - Prophecy Update after 2008: Two new major discoveries - Daniel’s 70th week = 5 Years
Pearl #151 - Ophiuchus : The 13th Sign of the Zodiac
Pearl #150 - A Third Witness for the Return of Jesus Christ on September 28, 2015
Pearl #147 - Ivan Panin: A Second Witness for HANS
God is A Mathematician By Keith Newman
Pearl #146 - Did Nostradamus predict the Apocalypse in 2012?
Pearl #143 - Sometimes 5 February 2009, 9 February 2009, 9 February 2012 or 5 February 2015 as projected dates for the destruction of New York City - Why?
Pearl #142 - Why the Jewish Calendar will be Incorrect in 2008-2009
Pearl#141 - What does YHWH Mean?
Pearl #137 - Proving the Proposed Earth Wobble: A Second Witness with Global Warming
Pearl #136 - Heh Perspective of the Genesis Creation Story: The key to deciphering Revelation 10
Pearl #135 - Did Ancient Calendars & Clocks Forecast Our Future?
Pearl #134 - The Key to Understanding the Prophecies of Zechariah_10-12-2008
Pearl #133 - Bible Written to Introduce Jesus Christ
Pearl #132 - How Long was Noah’s Flood?
Pearl #131 - The Mystery of Water
Pearl #130 - 4488 BC as the Beginning of Genesis or the Universe?
Pearl #129 - WATCH! 21 December 2008 – 21 December 2015
Pearl #128 - 66 Proofs for 14 Prophetic Calendar Railroad Stations
Pearl #127 - Why are Honeybees Disappearing?
Pearl #126 - The Population Curve According to the Bible
Pearl #125 - IPK: Why Has The Kilogram Standard Changed Weight?
Pearl #120 - How Many Men will be Left in the Land of Israel after the Tribulation (Jacob’s Trouble)? Answer: 144,000
Pearl #119 - Buried Treasure
Pearl #118 - Heaven Plus 70 Virgins Guaranteed
Pearl #115 - Satan Over the Beast System Discovering Dates in Biblical Numbers: 7 [+one] = 8
Pearl #114 - Ancient Aztec Stone Skulls and the Antikythera Bronze Clock Prove the Mystery of Tammuz 17 Apocalypse date of 25 July 2015.
Pearl #113 - The Hebrew Alphabet, the Length of a Day and Ancient Clock Cycles
Pearl #112 - Hebrew Alphabet Number System Part 3: Hebrew Rosetta Stone Correlations with the Spin-Axis Model of the Aztec Calendar From the Christian Perspective
Pearl #111 - What was the Design Range of Ancient Clocks?
Pearl #110 - Are Only Christians Saved?
Pearl #109 - Answers for Christians Left Behind
Pearl #108 - The Saints and the Second Resurrection
Pearl #107 - Who are the Saints?
Pearl #106 - Hebrew Alphabet Number System – Alpha (1), Beth (2), Gimel (3)
Pearl #105 - Was Jesus Born on the Day of Atonement?
Pearl #104 - Gedaliah - The Third Jewish Fast Day September 16, 2015 – 3 Tishri 5776
Pearl #103 - Two Fast Days: 17 Tammuz – 9 Av
Two Women: Beast System - Israel; Two Cities: New York - Jerusalem -
Pearl #102 - Two Cities and Purim: How is it possible to date Prophecy?
Pearl #101 - Mystery of TU (15) B’Shevat Deciphered
Pearl #100A - Welcome to 2009!
Pearl #100 - Preface
The Apocalypse has Started...Why Doesn't Seem Like It?
Jonah’s Three Witnesses (10-29-2011) #200
Some Implications: Why the Apocalypse? #172
The Apocalypse has Started #161
Four Veil Symptoms of the Apocalypse in 2009 #164
Prophecy Update after 2008 #158
Watch 21 December 2008 - 21 December 2015 #129
What Happened on 21 December 2008?
Why the Jewish Calendar will be Incorrect in 2008-2009 #142