God willing a new pearl will soon be written on this lastest insight.
Until then, please read Pearl #120 and
Pearls #293 Part 1 and particularly Part 2.
The science probability of your – DEATH
in 2015-2017 is 99%
Check Pearl #262, in the context of Pearl #261 and Pearl #224, like a coin has two sides.
Theologians got the Apocalypse all wrong! Just ask the question, “When the Apostle John arrived in heaven - the Heh-dimension (Revelation Chapter 4), he watched future events all dated resembling YouTube Videos, but is the heavenly calendar clock the same as on earth?”
We have many calendars on earth: the Gregorian-Julian, Hebrew, Aztec, Chinese, and even an ancient Genesis-Enoch calendar dated from before 2288 BC when the earth axis changed. Why are they different? The answer helps to explain why the signs in the sky of Tetra Blood Moons and sun eclipses did not mark immediate events on earth. Daniel and John used different calendars in their prophecies. One represents the earthly Daleth dimension and the other a heavenly Heh dimension. Read a more complete explanation in Pearl #262.
Watch my YouTube interview for a open, question and answer
discussion of these issues with my Muslim computer tech:
Could Daniel’s projections of seven (7) years, and his 1260-1290-1335-2300-days, be linked to John’s visions of 1260 days and 42 months? They seem to be similar, but on what calendar clock?
I discovered that the ancient stone-bronze-gold calendar-clocks found in museums around the world, and some church towers, might help. Could they? I shared my discoveries through 14 Babushka egg concept books. My first attempt to date the Apocalypse 2008-2015 seems to have been wrong. Or was it? Only you can decide.
Because of theological confusion, I had to align prophecy from a science perspective, which led to the first dates 7 years ago. Further insights into the nature of light, time and energy led to a series of scaled adjustments in different Babushka eggs: 3½ yrs, 150 days and now 21 DAYS - each one a prediction of the duration of God’s Wrath, but on which calendar?
Check it out in Pearl #261, and cross-reference it with Pearl #174 about the Two Temples and biblical jubilees. There will be a total of 120 jubilees from Adam to when the new Jerusalem temple's cornerstone is laid in 2017.
Think logically: could the Elohim have any pleasure in watching mankind suffer? And his Creation destroyed? Or, would he end it with a big bang without another Jonah Warning?
God's Wrath will start with the antichrist appearing and the two witnesses from heaven. God's Wrath will end with an asteroid shaking the earth and shifting its axis to settle down on 21 December 2015. After that we have Christmas celebrated on a higher level. Apply some logic: a new calendar will start again. Thus, the Second Babushka Egg –The Mystery of Tammuz 17 is now to be finalized after 10 years, too late to check it out.
The prophesied APOCALYPSE Portals will soon be closed with fearful, uncontrollable political events linked to extraordinary global catastrophes in nature announced by Jonah-II in the Web town square.
Most Christians are unaware that the prophesied 2008-2015 Apocalypse was announced on the World-Wide-Web for ten years. These dates were projected from a science perspective. The Elohim appointed a Jonah-II scribe who was educated as a credible inventor-scientist. He announced that God’s Wrath would end the 21st Century Civilization so that humanity can start over again thus repeating Noah’s history when an asteroid destroyed the Atlantis civilization on 5 February 2287 BC.
Because faulty theological dogmas taught in many denominations are so ingrained, this apocalypse dating was confirmed and collected in hundreds of science witnesses linked to the Bible prophecy as recorded in (14) fourteen Babushka Egg concept books and many Pearls.
Worldwide, true science is suppressed in most universities. Only the Bible reveals the consequences of violating the covenant made by ELOHIM the Creator with Mankind. As seen on many YouTube videos, once more our civilization has succeeded manufacturing forbidden genetic modifications of "human-half-animal". The US Congress is asked to define new laws for these subspecies. Mankind again has become corrupt by disgusting violations in modifying genes (GMO) leading toward total extinction of all life. God strictly prohibited the creation of cross-species. Why repeat what previously incurred his wrath? The ancient Atlantis Civilization was wiped out with billions of people executed from an asteroid strike on 5 February 2287 BC. He only saved righteous Noah's family of eight, appointed as witnesses. This Bible example warns even Christians will perish in the Apocalypse too, totally destroying the 21st Civilization with another asteroid ending after the 2015 winter solstice.
Why has the Christian Church become so corrupt to suppress the truth of God’s Plan for Mankind and not take seriously the warning of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24-26 describing a repeat of His Judgment in Noah’s day in a future Apocalypse? Why is there total silence? In disobedience, this warning to an atheistic world system is not preached in church. Being silent, pastors will not escape God’s Wrath but perish being guilty of negligence. However, for a doubting Thomas many Bible prophecies were written in the constellation-zodiac sky that cannot be messed up by theologians. Jesus Christ’s return is now dated on the Web as documented in 14 free Babushka Egg Concept Books.
A Jonah-II educated in science has come to the Internet town square to announce that all evil will end in judgment to benefit a future righteous expanding civilization to insure that life will continue under new global management ruled by Jesus Christ never experienced before. When a society is brainwashed everyday with lies and corruption in high places, it requires extra proof that the Creator ELOHIM means business. He confirmed that hope to Mankind now in the midst of global chaos sure to end in nuclear anarchy. The EOHIM is still in charge of his creation. To verify this fact, God recently revealed an extraordinary Jonah Big FISH of free energy demonstrated on the free WEB and proven with many YouTube videos. Free energy has existed for 80 years but was suppressed by the energy cartel, which paid off bureaucrats of global governments with lucrative grants to use only Oil and Coal, which poisoned the environment causing great extinction of life.
This website has exposed hundreds of true science facts linked to many mysteries Bible prophecies not understood by theologians. They confirmed the return of Jesus Christ now dated by science. But why is this message ignored by Christian Churches, being mostly comatose and still embroiled in false denominational doctrines from the Middle Age. Why not being concerned about Jesus’ warnings while greedy theologians squander donations tossed at worthless projects to gain prestige. Wasted contribution could have helped millions of families with tons of kids trying to survive in the many refugee camps without even the very basic essentials disregarding the global killing of the Saints. Why ignore the thousands persecuted fellow Christian? Most TV preachers are only interested in selling Bible stories they have stolen from God’s Word for their own benefit while squandering donations when we are so close to God’s Wrath.
For an example, why not budget to help millions of children who do not have clean water and forced to drink from stinking sewer ditches causing infectious diseases in Africa, India or South America. It costs only $4800 to drill water wells by Life Outreach International to supply an average of one thousand children with clean water. The White Throne event (Rev. 20:11-15) will expose how millions of donations to mega churches were wasted being spent to sell a saltless Christianity, playing church, being silent and ignoring Jonah's Warning. Pastors will be judged in their negligence in not helping the many Christian neighbors – families, mostly kids – suffering immensely. They and this evil society will not escape God’s Wrath next year. Christians not having enough oil and believing "that nobody knows the time" will surely miss the king-bridegroom, ignoring God’s Grace! Check Jesus’ forecast as announced by a second Jonah on the WEB.
Pearl #260 updated on 4/2/2015.
Click on the title to
check out the new section,
"Satan to Appear for Only 40 Days?"
(Print these opening comments.)
Pearl #252 - #257 -
Another PROOF that the 4 April 2015 Blood Moon
will start the 150-day Apocalypse!
I heard him swear... Time – Times – ½ Time… will “end” the tribulation of the Holy People - the Saints. (Daniel 12:7)
WHAT IS Daniel's DATE?
Daniel’s mystery prophecy weeks are different from what theologian's postulate, since they are not educated in science. Daniel's weeks should be calculated from an exponentially declining earth axis wobble, as revealed in Julius Caesar’s calendar starting at Noah’s Flood, which was caused 5 February 2287 BC by an asteroid suppressed by the university establishment.
The asteroid strike disturbed the earth’s axis creating a declining wobble, proven by the most ancient 2400 year-old Antikythera clock Mechanism decoded after hundreds years in my Babushka books and confirmed by the NASA satellites G.R.A.C.E and by other bronze-gold clocks found globally and exhibited in museums.
In 54 BC Julius Caesar investigated an outdated Roman calendar and possible used the Antikythera Clock, which projected that the angular axis-movements of our earth would slow down and come to rest 21 December 2012 at 23.5 degrees. That date was also confirmed by other ancient calendars like the Aztec, Chinese and more recently, using NASA computers. A mean averaged math-factor for a declining wobble across 4300 years matched Daniel’s prophecy (Time-Times and ½ Time) math factor not yet understood by theologians.
For a questioning skeptic even my opinion needs five witnesses to establish a mystery dating of Bible prophecy. By applying the evidences of a historic Daniel, Julius Caesar, and Patriarchs of the Old Testament, Zodiac constellations in the sky or NASA computer generated science data linked to satellites. Examined collectively, these five eyewitnesses should change faulty opinions to understand the Truth of these last days. More is explained in the 3rd Babushka egg concept book: Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries free on the web to be better informed.
Two different calendars Enoch-Noah and Julius Caesar come together in one point, like a temperature scale of Fahrenheit-Celsius meet at minus 40 degree. It could be linked to Yeshua-Jesus Christ’s statement that the future apocalypse is a mirror image of Noah’s time, like a Hebrew Bible telescope of near and far vision. Therefore, being linked to ancient bronze-gold clocks exhibited globally in many museums, those calendar witnesses gained credibility to tell us again when Yeshua will arrive as King of Kings, Lord of Lords, exactly on schedule. Theologians usually misquote the Bible in ignorance, "No one knows the time…" Therefore, they will not know the date Yeshua-Jesus quoted about the Apocalypse ending in God’s Wrath with another asteroid already in orbit.
Even the consequence of another asteroid strike is described by many prophets who were much better educated in science as illustrated in Sodom and Gomorra. Most students have heard about this event because it was linked to an atheistic US Supreme Court ruling allowing same sex marriage, forbidden by ELOHIM due to the sociologically screwed-up consequences in any culture violating this divine order. When evil is sown, it will harvest absolute evil ending again in God’s Wrath.
To prove the date of Yeshua's return to earth in supreme splendor on the Hebrew holiday of Rosh Hashanah, we need a little simple math. The mystery Yeshua return date, 28 September 2015, matches the dates published in every Babushka Egg concept book available free on the Internet for 10 years. I discovered through the study of ancient calendar clocks that Daniel’s WEEK equals a math factor of 14.305789.
Click here to continue reading.
WAKE UP for God's sake!
Prove this JONAH
Scientist-Christian WRONG!
Click on the book and/or article titles on the left or right to explore their content or to download them without cost. To learn about Jonah's BIG Energy Fish, click on the title below.
Nicola Tesla's
Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine (UREE)
The Apocalypse will arrive in time on
4 April 2015 and will end
on the 2015 winter solstice.
To read more about what to look for and why, please click here.
Why is the 21st Century Civilization so Confused?
Print a pdf of this web site forward.
Watching a number of new science discoveries on YouTube, I realized that our modern society has gotten a free gift with tremendous potential. Many enthusiastic young people now have the freedom to experiment with some laws of physics replacing corrupted university teaching methods suppressed for hundreds of years.
Many YouTube science videos demonstrate and verify impossible ideas. They are like a genie released from the bottle that can never be put back. That free spirit has consequently exposed unscientific evolution lies taught for hundreds of years in our institutions. It has also forecasted the total collapse and bankruptcy of our outmoded education system. It will soon be replaced to lead us toward a new and better, divinely supported civilization - guaranteed!
Just to mention one far-reaching example, one short video ended with some experts explaining how the mathematics that has proven itself so useful to industry cannot be proven. That statement is like a bomb exploding in our face. It is now postulated with a new logic in total opposition, like a paradox to what has been accepted for hundreds of years.
Our civilization used the “old” math system to build higher skyscrapers, go to the moon, and fly regularly in space. While it was used to open DNA and changed the genetics of our food with predictably disastrous consequences, it can also be used to make totally free energy available to most of the world’s populations, though still denied by the Oil Cartel and Military Complex. These advances in science have all happened in the last 50 years creating massive, upsetting political confusion.
Surprisingly, the Babushka egg concept books found on this website will shine through like a small light penetrating scientific darkness in the midst of this present civilization’s dilemma. They explain the forbidden metaphysics useful in defining the nature of physics in a full circle. Physics can only be explained on a horizontal level, but even Dr. Einstein felt there must be another dimension, which is now explained in Babushka eggs, but from a vertical perspective with "infinite" on top, recorded in Genesis chapter one. As put forward, the existence of the ELOHIM has no beginning and no end, which represents a different concept explained as metaphysics linked together by paraphysics.
New concepts and ideas - technology - now appear on the Internet to make us wiser, fulfilling Daniel’s prophecy. Science will be one notch higher if cross-referenced with metaphysics to discover the underpinning physics and to reveal how and why new science innovations work. Examining novel concepts from two perspectives is a better balanced system like a dual railroad track, especially if it harmonizes with biblical Revelation. Together, they will validate concealed ancient truth, which can then be trusted with an open Mind. Ultimately, cross-referencing modern high technology with the divine Plan for Mankind will lead to discovering the purpose of God's creation.This all makes good sense, but why it is ignored?
Babushka concept eggs link science to metaphysics - defining the free gift of Eternal Life. Accepting that gift is the most important event of mortal life, which is not an invented religion. These concepts can be proven by investigating some Bible-science lessons as applied to modern life and compared to recorded history. You do not have to be highly educated to understand why our civilization is sinking like the Titanic.
Comparing events from the past will make it obvious that politicized global governments should embrace lessons learned from the history of the United States. The US history tells a story of an unusual attractive advantage derived from the 200-year old American Christian Constitution. Why it is now politicized, denied and censored? The last US Supreme Court session became prejudiced corrupted and destructive by twisting the fundamental constitutional laws upside-down. They promised to protect, yet they decreed mandatory adoption of atheistic relativism causing a society to degenerate. It has obsoleted a blessed, abundant American way of life for millions that was previously the envy of the world.
Contrast the American story with the example of collapsing Islamic societies that enforce an obsolete, Middle Ages culture ending in total destruction as witnessed even on controlled TV media. Check out the consequences of rejecting a Christian-based, Western Civilization. The many Islamic countries surround ISRAEL, which is like an island of normal life, prosperous, growing everywhere you look. When they applied covenant principles based on the Torah - like the American Christian Constitution, that nation developed into the greatest science power block. They export hi-tech knowledge and food for the betterment of mankind. On the other hand, check why nearly every other nation is experiencing uncontrolled turmoil, racing toward a scary, prophesied apocalypse, now better defined with science. Think and apply logic.
The answers for the energy and food shortages challenging our civilization and how to fix their causes have been recorded in the historic, 6000-year-old Bible. It gives us free advice linked to proven ancient wisdom demonstrated by real people who had the same problem, why is it suppressed by corrupt atheistic governments?
Lucky for mankind, it has been reborn on the Internet, proving once again that nothing is new under heaven. Infinite energy was mentioned in the first Bible verses, and it will drive a new civilization rewound like a cuckoo clock, perpetually in conflict with unscientific evolution lies enforced globally to make you brain dead. It guarantees bureaucrats lucrative benefits voting for political correct promises.
The confusion of new discoveries found on the many YouTube videos can leave one perplexed, but we should no longer accept being brainwashed with evolution lies. Erroneous scientific thinking and its consequences can be avoided if linked to the mirror image of the metaphysics denied in our universities. Reading about unique Babushka Egg concepts suppressed by the establishment can lead to the next higher level of widening knowledge horizons and expanding vision to 360 degrees. It was fun for me to see a worldview one notch higher, and that ended my confusion with a better understanding of the paradox of life.
Babushka eggs are free on the Internet. They will confirm that the universe is governed by a Heh-dimension (“other side”) creating a Daleth dimension of energy and mass controlled by the time-dimension. They end with the purpose for mankind on a tiny planet, well balanced, as the only place where Life can exist.
As a retired scientist, I got hooked and kept diving in the Bible Ocean searching for more precious Pearls of extraordinary breakthrough discoveries that unlocked many answers to the global dilemmas of our time. It resulted in collecting many science facts matching the Bible and revealed a new atom theory to me, though ignored by the atheistic establishment.
That could explain why Global Warming is not matching statistics, though it does increase the salary of UN bureaucrats. These books exposed how deadly GMOs is causing extinction ending life on this planet. The consequence is suppressed from the public, but generates patent fees enforced by a corrupted FDA, same sex married to a powerful, world octopus Monsanto cartel. Now forgotten, they were the inventor of Agent Orange that poisoned millions in Vietnam married to the military complex. That totally evil cartel will affect the future of every human being on this earth as usually killed millions ever since hidden under multiple sister corporations like an octopus nothing can escape. It gets worse. They are now more corrupt, having genetically screwed up every food seed worldwide, outside international law, by paying off Supreme Court judges and senators. This forbidden discovery trail investigating science cross-referenced with the banned ancient bible exposed free energy, suppressed for over 80 years. It could get you killed or silenced like so many testifying scientists on the Web.
Summing up the other side of the new math energy equation, the forgotten ELOHIM is now fine-tuning his creation. How he is doing that? Now collected in the 12 Babushka egg books, but the source of eternal Life is only revealed in one Torah-book written by the ELOHIM. Shortly, we will witness the end of all "Evil" in the Kosmos and on earth, as Satan will be the only survivor, sealed in the underworld prevented to plague mankind.
Afterwards the returned Jesus Christ will start for the first time a new divinely controlled civilization to last 1000 years without war. I no longer worry we may have run out of time ignoring my scaled book-eggs even dating God’s Wrath. It is too scary when someone predicts your death against the odds in about two years not surviving the prophesied asteroid apocalypse. The date upsetting theologians is written in the zodiac constellation sky using science now witnessed in many YouTube videos proving a court case of the coming 5-month Apocalypse. But if you want to survive or be better educated, just read my last Jonah Warning and watch the sky. (Pearl #249) One way or another, it will end and start a new equation. Read some of the other Pearls to better understand the forbidden metaphysics on a vertical spiritual level:
God’s Wrath <- 17 September 2015
22 September 2017 -> New Life
About this web site -
This web site will give you an unusual panoramic view of prophecy matching science linked to metaphysics. Successful inventors cultivate strange habits of exploring high technology while investigating science with many extraordinary different methods. If applied to the oldest history book of mankind our Bible revealed startling results, which greatly surprised me. It developed into a series of written Babushka eggs, some are smaller like a baby egg that I call Pearls. When a number Bible mysteries expand with more science, the data became a bigger egg.
Writing about forbidden science connected to the metaphysical defined my mission in retirement and got me on documenting a history-science-Bible journey. My habit of unique curiosity was directed to explore longstanding Bible puzzles that have kept many scholars confused. It revealed some secrets theologians missed since they were not educated in science.
My practical German background as an instrument maker was helpful to reveal incredible new concepts collected in twelve (12) free Babushka egg concept books never postulated in universities anywhere. My study became like an expedition diving in the Bible Ocean and searching for many precious Pearls. I was soon hooked and kept diving to find more. Babushka egg concept books can be copied without charge from the Internet for the benefit of future generation. Some were translated in Spanish, German and Arabic and start with #12, 11, 10, 9, 7, 6, 5… backwards with Pearls in between to expand a vision that even dated the Apocalypse.
Investigating the Bible from a science viewpoint was exciting as no other book on earth has a proven history recorded in advance. It could be compared to a holograph if you keep cutting it into two sides each tiny portion still has 100% of the information embedded similar to cloning on a lower entropy. That unusual fact became a challenge for a seasoned inventor-scientist to unlock prophecy.
It raised the ante for me. Could the ancient text be decoded to learn more about our future destiny in spite of modern science being entangled in unscientific atheistic evolution leftover residue theories from the Middle Ages?
The younger generations do not realize the tremendous influence of a modern Mind Control system most universities adopted, how it damaged our American culture. Being inferiorly educated makes it easier to believe in counterfeit science opposing the Bible. We will later prove that free energy like Hydrogen from water (Hoffman) and Electricity from the air (Tesla) was around 80 years ago but was suppressed by an oil cartel more powerful than the US government combined with Europe.
Being stuck in fake science, most never noticed that reversed entropy is not logical, not ever seen possible in nature. Being an inventor not easily confused, I came up with a real story for my grand kids to explain what will happen in the next few years using true science principles and analytical math linked to many Bible facts that can forecast the future Apocalypse starting not on earth.
Much in the Bible is basically a roadmap to reveal to mankind the consequences of wrongly applied principles detrimental to life. Employing some of the other 50% of Newton's writing mostly kept silent, many are central to metaphysical laws reflected on the natural cause and effect level. Combined they will warn us to redirect our minds to the celestial source always trustworthy. The style of the Bible is based on foretelling mankind's history, which identifies our destiny controlled by divine guidance and the penalty of mankind's sinful nature. Honest skeptics, if interested, could widen their knowledge horizons. The majestic theme of God’s creation ends with a symphonic credenza of redemption and restoration as the previously upset kosmos once more is balanced.
My grandkid's teaching through university level no longer compares the many life principles of accumulated knowledge with the embedded wisdom rooted in the Bible history of mankind. Why was it thrown out from the classroom as irrelevant? All became corrupted to even falsely rewrite American history. Many fabricated lies replace true principles to make an impossible, unscientific evolution theory to fit an atheistic belief system denying a Creator. Professors keep ignoring the many evidences in nature not matching modern gene research or DNA conclusions. It needs a counter-balanced perspective to reflect what the Bible teaches, not religion, but how nature operates. This is not even understood by many theologians, who are likewise brainwashed in Satan-inspired evil relativism.
Our civilization will end 28 September 2015 in a divinely executed APOCALYPSE projected from a science perspective matching many prophecy events. To lay a base for a lasting Bible understanding requires the retelling of the creation story, forbidden in schools, from a new science perspective. It may even surprise Christians. Many do not know that God’s real Plan for Mankind ends with a scary Apocalypse. I hope to expand your knowledge horizons and become convinced.
Click here to continue reading this New Research Pearl #239.