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Can we know when the Apocalypse will begin?
Is that the same thing as knowing when Jesus will return?
What is “ Babylon” in prophecy?
Is it New York? Why?
Who is Antichrist?
How will he gain power and what will he do?
What is the “Mini-Apocalypse” vs. the “Great Apocalypse”?
Why is there an Apocalypse in heaven?
Why does one beast come out of the earth and a second from the sea?
How will these beasts be commonly known?
Where do the ancient Aztec and Chinese calendars connect?
Why is the Hebrew Number Alphabet System so important?
Who are the Two Witnesses of God?
What do you mean by the Bible’s “Rosetta Stone”?
How does a five-based interpretation of Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) differ from the traditional seven-based interpretation?
What’s a Tammuz?
Why is this book named after Tammuz 17?
Why will New York City be destroyed after 21 December 2008?
What other world events will kick-off the Apocalypse?
How can migrating birds of prey tell us the times of the end?
What does the Bible tell us about fallen angels or demons?
(22 May 2015 – 21 December 2015)
How do Revelation’s trumpets and bowls differ in meaning?
Why is God so angry that He begins the Apocalypse by burning off a third the world’s plant life?
Is the earth soon due for collision with a swarm of asteroids?
Thirteen days of the Greatest Earthquake Ever!
(22 May 2015 – 21 December 2015)
What are angels?
Why is God sending four death angels?
Who and how many will survive the Apocalypse? Who won’t?
The Seventh Trumpet, the Seven Thunders, Rainbows, the Unprepared Virgins, and other mysteries explained