Intro continued


Only Satan, the source of evil, will survive being chained for the last curtain endplay closing the time dimension. Many nations led by the Satan-Antichrist will gather with the greatest armed military display ever in Armageddon accelerating toward an uncontrolled, frenzied nuclear conflict.  Satan's final strategy is aimed to make this earth totally lifeless and bare like the universe. (Pearl #233) But the ELOHIM-YHWH the Creator steps on top of Jerusalem just in time to preserve LIFE for future mankind destined to last another 1000 Gregorian calendar years, ruled by the only begotten son Jesus Christ, King of kings, Lord of lords.

On the edge of a gigantic global nuclear exchange billions Mortals will perish in God's WRATH with a huge 52 Km asteroid.  It is a duplicate reminiscent of the Atlantis Civilization to remove any traces of EVIL on earth. Again history is repeated. The ELOHIM using an asteroid, which previously plunged in the Golf of Mexico on 5 February 2287 BC measured by bronze-gold clocks exhibited globally in museums. Once more it will cause an earth-axis change with life threading consequences linked to science. Only ISRAEL, young gentile children - babies and adults belonging to the Saints separated like sheep from the goats Jesus preached two thousand years ago will incredibly survive.

What is not taught in church but is verified throughout the scripture that God’s Kingdom on Earth will no longer tolerate the many global religions invented by Satan all will be totally annihilated and forgotten. Only one true, divine mono-religion of the Bible will be taught by the resurrected Saints to the surviving children and even ISRAEL will adapt a revised faith to honor the ELOHIM. The Apocalypse placenta atheistic world-system will be totally burned by the asteroid, read the 70 events from four prophets in the Bible "On That Day" as Satan's global destructive cancer - atheistic politics and religions must be cut out with God's WRATH. (Pearl #245)

We have learned that the Fifth Angel in the Heh-dimension heaven (Rev. 9) usually translated The Angel of Jehovah is in charge of four (4) special Death Angels designed to be an efficient executioner similar to in (Exodus 12:29/13:15) killing all the firstborn in Egypt during Moses time, similar to when King Hezekiah was surrounded by 185,000 soldiers all were killed overnight. (2 Kings 19:35)

Death Angels used again will selectively kill two thirds of the leftover civilization during God’s Wrath chosen like goats from sheep. That is illustrated in: "two men will be in the field, one is taken the other is left." (Math. 24:40) They are instructed by what Jesus preached in is discourse, now redefined as thirteen (13) Judgment violations of God’s Wrath:

“You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times, ‘You shall not murder’; and ‘whoever murders [goat] shall be liable to judgment.’ But I say to you that if you are angry [goat] with a brother or sister, you will be liable to judgment; and if you insult [goat] a brother or sister, you will be liable to the council; and if you say, ‘You fool [goat],’ you will be liable to the hell of fire [goat]. (Matthew 5:21-22 NRSV, [brackets added])

When Satan loses the heavenly battle with Archangel Michael’s army he will continue for five (5) months in the Daleth dimension Earth level. Mortals will then physically experience what Hell is like starting 4 April 2015 when being surrounded with horrible demon possessions. Jesus referred to it as the worst time ever for Mankind. After 150 days all Demon Angels are terminated by the Four Death-Angels and Satan is bound in iron chains being incarcerated in the dark netherworld for a thousand years. The world War III ended with a 52 Km asteroid strike followed by gigantic earthquakes according to science and metaphysic projections on

17 September 2015.

Eyes are blinded by an evolution religion.

We are now in the middle of the Apocalypse one way or another; politically it seems very quiet. The Stock Market casino still operates for the class of privilege. The World Trade Center has been rebuilt bigger. But being a scientist, I wonder why America, as the greatest world power, is not the main player in Bible prophecy?

It occurred to me that the middle of the Apocalypse could be like the quiet weather at the eye of a hurricane. Because it is moving, it will get mighty windy again as we learned from New Orleans disaster, but when it comes to the Apocalypse, matters could get much worse than what New Orleans suffered.

The bad times will start with the biblical Four Horsemen in Zechariah 6:1-7 as echoed in a second witness 600 years later in Revelation 6:1-7. They will set the second half of the Apocalypse into motion with unstoppable events causing the DEATH of a quarter world populations, which is 2.8 billion, a lot of people.

Many speculate about the specifics of what comes next. Rabbi Cahn’s book presents screaming global headlines linked to science, perhaps a dirty A-bomb, or perhaps a cheap North Korean rocket exploding from a boat, sent into the air to try once more to destroy a symbol of Islam’s big Satan, like NYC or Los Angeles. A dirty A-bomb would fry every microcircuit for hundreds of miles.

The TV program "Forecasting the End" explained that the earth receives about a 2 gamma ray burst a day generated in astronomical terms. They travel at the speed of light therefore cannot be tracked as some outbursts seen in the Hubble telescope are astronomical in size and believed they previously caused mass extinction spreading fast around the entire earth at high risk.

Our modern civilization has reached the point to be highly vulnerable even in small amount of gamma rays would be a disaster which could fry every micro chip controlling 99% our high technology anywhere. Every child in America cannot be seen without a device wirelessly connected to thousands of microchips, which has changed our culture.

Either way everything around us would come to a total collapse, as electricity was the driver. Our world is controlled by billions of microchips. If they no longer work, it would force us back to the time of 100 years ago. I hope we find some horses for transportation and learn how to store food like my grandma did. It is unthinkable to be without a functioning Visa card, a car or truck transporting food. Nothing will run on a dead micro-chip, no more banking to get my money, water pumps or sewer, hospital care stopped: all mired in a permanent total electricity blackout for a long time.

The Four Horses of Revelation will unleash global military revenge responding big time, but it will become paralyzed.  Modern warfare will shift to manual control, if that is possible, to fly an airplane or missiles. The dead Internet or destroyed satellites will guarantee accelerating global instability as everyone was connected to computer-controlled equipment including the military. Homeland Security bureaucrats will not be prepared for those gigantic shocks. Do not count on it.

Worse, radiation will rapidly spread around the world. It will cause a chemical reaction in the air forming lethal Nitric Oxide. A thick brown smoke layer will damage food crops for hundreds of miles and cause a climatic winter freeze.  If you had listened to Jonah’s Warning, perhaps you could prepare to survive, or read the Bible verses once more, linked to specific Babushka Pearl or book. My own guess, watch the last Harbinger Shmita will soon arrive in America barely surviving.

The Metaphysical Dimension of a coming New Civilization

Looking behind the Time Dimension curtain reveals what is invisible to the spectators watching the major players getting ready for the final act that is the glue of the creation story. Satan has controlled two previous civilizations, but he is not allowed to mess up the last one. That third civilization for mankind is on the horizon and will begin soon after 28 September 2015, a date based on many witnesses. Check Pearl #246 - The final Proof.

You can check it out in the Babushka concept books. In the Gospels recorded 2000 years ago, Satan tempted and offered Jesus all the kingdoms on earth, if He would acknowledge that he was co-equal to the ELOHIM to be worshiped. He never changed his mind and tried once more to defy God the Elohim in this civilization in utter rebellion and defiance.

But Satan’s final time has come forcefully to an end during the apocalypse to be exiled to earth by Michael’s army ending the war in heaven that will activate God’s WRATH ending the Kosmos Apocalypse. Satan will morph into a human being and end chained after 25 July 2015 in the nether prison as predicted by the Hebrew-Aztec calendar and detailed in Revelation, the last book of the Bible. The ancient Aztec culture tells the same story similar to the Bible with their fifth cycle ending with a fire rain terminating our present civilization dated with ancient bronze-gold clocks in many museums matching the bible prophecy - 17 September 2015.

The Bible speaks of many particular events that I assembled in detail in my second Babushka concept book, Mystery of Tammuz 17 to broaden our horizons and understand God’s Plan for Mankind, never been preached in church, by using natural science to embellish divine revelation.

Mortals have been linked to Satan ever since Creation. We have coexisted in parallel, involved in a battle of good and evil. That battle started with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden around 4004 BC as proven with ancient clocks exhibited in museums. Historically, Satan has caused many wars to derail God’s plan for mankind. The story ends with a final confrontation at Armageddon now projected in many TV programs. Most people only have a vague idea from the biblical perspective and its implication of evil opposing God Elohim, the Creator.

Satan again will face Jesus in his last confrontation, and will appear shortly. The last showdown of Armageddon has been dated using the ancient code of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) with Satan trying to convince God Elohim that he is superior to Jesus, His favored Son.

Last Jonah's Warning

Our 21st Century Civilization is like the sinking Titanic. Luckily, it passed the fearful 21 December 2012 date. Many expected it would start the Apocalypse, but it fizzed out a little quieter being in the middle of a storm center. That date is still a mystery for many in science and theology, but if you are better educated, it can be demonstrated with satellite GRACE. 

NASA has measured our earth axis wobble, which is now at rest after 4300 years, calculated if you know a little math. Amazingly, Julius Caesar was right on schedule in 54 BC by inserting 62 days correctly projecting ancient earth axis wobbles ending 21 December 2012, changing a 10 month calendar to a 12 month without a modern computer. Wondering what math method did Julius Caesar use? Unfortunately many scientists brainwashed in evolution fairytales never figured out how an earth wobble came about. Missing the connection to true physics, many historic geological facts remain a puzzle.

Why not investigate the evidence of an asteroid impact mystery which can be dated turning back the Planetarium zodiac wobble sky will stop at 5 February 2287 BC, now postulated free as the 3rd Babushka egg concept book getting more proof of how declining earth wobbles were measured. It was a lot of fun to test out new discoveries to check ancient mystery bronze-gold clocks exhibited globally in many museums.

Not understanding our changing calendar kept many theologians confused. They mostly misdated prophecy projections by putting the Bible events out of order. A new perspective could open the door to better understand Daniel and Revelation.  No wonder TV theologians still postulate that the Endtime is still future. They are not aware that Western Civilization has ended, being now in the middle of the Apocalypse. A new One World Order already has started, defined not by a conventional declining calendar measuring time, but morphed as stated in Daniel, "…shall think to change the times and the laws…” (Daniel 7:25)

Time is now measured in atomic, femtoseconds linked to a computer-controlled society of a new global World Order that changed the ancient law of "Good and Evil" to Relativism, denying the existence of absolutes. The first prophesied, 10-horn nations already have passed, reduced to the "G-Seven" nation Chinese-Russia-EU-Islam-Brittan-Latin America, and the USA that was rooted historical in a lion (Brittan) but lost its eagle wings.

The last prophesied fourth beast morphed into a global hi-tech system of a computer MIND shortly ruled by a little horn, the Antichrist, and will end our 21st Century Civilization in Armageddon. If you follow the new theological dating trail linked to science, it places the 5-month Apocalypse accurately as the earth axis no longer wobbles. To widen knowledge horizons, read the energy Babushka egg book #9 free on the Internet, which hatched this little egg, Jonah's Last Warnings to Gentiles and Jews ending 70 times with, ON THAT DAY, when God puts an end to all evil.

Our civilization will end 17 September 2015 in a divinely executed "APOCALYPSE" to end Satan’s disruption of God’s order as projected from a science perspective matching many prophecy events. To lay a base for a lasting Bible understanding requires the retelling of the creation story, forbidden in schools, from a new science perspective. It may even surprise Christians. Many do not know that God’s real Plan for Mankind ends with a scary Apocalypse. I hope to expand your knowledge horizons and become convinced. WHY our Civilization will end shortly in an APOCALYPSE

Going back to when time started, the reason for creation defined in a Cosmic Grand Plan, will widen our Bible knowledge horizons. It could be compared to a divine theater play. The curtain rises with God, the ELOHIM, and dealing with Satan's rebellion in 4488 BC. This caused a changeover of God's administration, as angels could no longer be trusted perhaps repeating another upheaval offending the Creator detrimental to the whole cosmic organization.

Scripture reports that 1/3 of God’s angel administration revolted, perhaps 200 million. (Rev. 9:16) All who sided with Satan transgressed the KOSMOS LAW and were isolated in the underworld. The Creator did not want robots but freewill agents, which leaves the possibility open to violate trust.

Rebellion cannot be tolerated if a society wants to live in peace. Think through how God could fix the problem. He could have thrown away the whole universe like we do with our failed computers, but that would not be fair for those still loyal to him being scared and very troubled. The Kosmos Law was not changed by Satan's rebellion. Everybody still has an option to exercise a free WILL: either to live forever in God’s house or be removed to an outer darkness detention forever. Otherwise, you have disintegration of the cosmos, dissolution of entropy ending in chaos learned in science.

God introduced an additional option on the lower Daleth dimension. A cocoon event system was implemented still defined as heaven or hell. But hell is now terminated with the same Kosmos Law in a greater sense. God needed to recalibrate his universe and fixed a major problem if transgressed. Applying justice must condemn a failure, but being designed to live forever and ever now cast in a detention outer darkness dimension would be inhuman.

Consequently, a merciful God who loves his creatures had to invent an escape agreeable for both parties. That was made possible by his divine Son Jesus. Christ introduced "Death" and atoned for "SIN" to pardon our transgression. He exchanged his life to gain mine and yours. What changed was demonstrated in history 2000 years ago on the cross when He cried out loud,   "It is done." That gave an added option to terminate once life after judgment or accept Eternal LIFE, now a free choice.

“On that Day" seventy events of the Apocalypse are announced by His prophets.

Mark the last Apocalypse events with a yellow pen illustrating the end of our civilization in your Bible and underline "ON that day" seventy (70) times mentioned by four prophets. The ELOHIM revealed the fulcrum that the birth "God’s Kingdom on Earth" will be born and continue in the Jod dimension of a new-heaven and new-earth without an EVIL environment. 

Birth bangs in nature is a sure sign indication what will happen very soon. Emphasizing the Hebrew number Ayin = 70 is meaning "the sum total of this world" seeing the world in its proper balance with the inner eyes. It is usually connected to punishment of Israel's disobedience.

For example: When Israel failed to keep the Sabbath were banished for 70 years to live in Babylonian exile before they where restored returning to Jerusalem. (Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10)  Daniel 9:24 prophesied that 70 weeks were decreed to put an end to sin. ISRAEL's final restoration will be 70 years long (1948-2018) on the Gregorian calendar but the Hebrew New Year starts on the end of 2017 a little offset following the moon cycles. Jesus said to forgive 70 times those offending us consequently let's consider the most important Apocalypse message = 70 times mentioned ON THAT DAY.

An End to War on Earth

Notice only the Bible reveals that all human governments will be terminated establishing a permanent new righteous Age lasting a 1000 years (490 Daniel new earth-axis calendar years), enforced by an extraterrestrial powerful army lead by Yeshua. Now highly honored, he exchanged a lowly donkey for a white horse to victoriously enter Jerusalem walking the same 14 stations previously mentioned but now in reverse. A thorn-blooded crown was exchanged for a royal gold and diamond headdress, followed by powerful angel dignitaries as once told to an unbelieving Pontius Pilate in 35 AD. It will start God’s Kingdom on Earth with an authority demonstrated by a cosmic asteroid. Continue reading.

For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city shall be taken and the houses looted and the women raped; half the city shall go into exile, but the rest of the people shall not be cut off from the city. (Zechariah 14:2)

In the final end-stage the last curtain call shows a huge global army was gathered from many nations surrounding Jerusalem for the last Armageddon war linked to the Satan-possessed world leader Antichrist matching a Jewish calendar feasts calculated from Daniel's data (25 July 2015) It overlays with a commemorated pivotal Av 9 date again repeated many times over in history, check the (Pearl #135).

It will start the prophesied Jacobs Trouble exploding in an Islam rage determined to exterminate all of ISRAEL being surrounded and backed up by Egypt, a UN force, collaborated with Russia involved with China in all out world war. Squeezed in the middle will be unbelievable repeating history but again slaying without mercy four (4) million Jews with only a few widowed women & children surviving. (Zechariah. 13:8) & (Pearl #120).

Consequently that act of aggression will infuriated GOD'S extraterrestrial WRATH exploding in bigger revenge for each Jewish Citizen killed; do the math will end with 1:500 ratio which is 2 billion dead bodies surrounding Jerusalem. Read what is written prophesied in the Bible announcing the Second and Third WOE getting terrible worse. (Rev. 6:12; Rev. 9:12) 

To find out how the apocalypse ends with detailed events seventy (70) times "On that Day" concluding with an asteroid for the second time experienced by mankind. But this time the asteroid evidence will not vanishing in water sinking an Atlantis Civilization in the Golf of Mexico, but being virtually too big (52 Km) must break up in million rocks to fulfill prophesy affecting world wide gigantic earthquakes. It still is causing another earth axis-wobble appearing to us looking in the sky moving like shaking stars in the midst of spreading dust dimming the sun and moon intensity by 1/3 foretold matching science observations. 

Biblical Dates

We could assemble a dating table to follow a chronological Bible trail based on (12+2=14) along a proven historic time concept cycles of ancient calendar bronze-gold clocks in museums cross referenced with the bible prophecy. But need to be adjusted with logic of a true science perception analyzing three wobble earth-axis changes across historic 7000 Hebrew years tracking moon cycles.

When "Time" as totaled for Mortals has (12+2)=14 cycles of 490 Hebrew Daniel years, it needs to be mathematically converted to a German cuckoo clock invention calibrated to a 24 hour/day as the earth axis has stopped original projected by the ancient Aztec calendar clock (21 December 2012 AD @ 23.5⁰earth axis). Using true science calculating the real time across three exponential running calendars will get the 7000 Bible years if your knowledge horizon has been widened using the forbidden metaphysic science.

I hope this time theologians will be educated in science and discover for the last time "Why" there is an Apocalypse now dated accurately proven in just a few years as we have run out of time. Read a mirror evaluation to sum up our high technology (Pearl # 233) will give you the logical answer that ELOHIM cannot possible change his MIND like he did in Nineveh ancient times but this time unrepentant evil has crystallized to give Satan the advantage not possible if you know the character of the creator. He will answer Satan's challenge and start mankind over again but this time different, as Satan is removed chained in the netherworld no longer to plague mankind and destroy their environment toward extinction. All collected in Babushka Eggs.


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