A. Introduction
B. Ending Pre-recorded History, God’s Plan for Mankind,
What is a Saint and What about Israel?
To clear up the desk for my last pearl, I would like to highlight a parting concept never preached in church. Going back and once more to identify why the Elohim purposed mortals in the first place and put them in an incubator on the edge of the Milky Way. My warnings projected that the apocalypse birth pangs ended at the 2015 Winter Solstice, but that date was quiet in world events, like the Tetra Moons in September. It is like the calm of a typhoon eye black hole.
This means that the Jonah-II Warnings are over, and I am now retired like the prophet in Nineveh to wait and see what Elohim has decided. Will he keep his schedule on track for 1 Tishri 5777 (2016). Mankind was planned to develop into nations experiencing different civilizations linked to a promise to live forever if resurrected in the Jod dimension as described in the ancient 6000-year old Torah-Bible. It is not a religious book but has embedded in it much science here developed in an amazing Babushka egg story series verified with history.
Jonah-II was a German instrument maker who survived the Hitler-Stalin time and, being single 21, immigrated to Canada. In time he became a successful inventor-scientist and started his own hi-tech million-dollar company, managing it for 20 years, He also raised a family and became a grandfather living in California. Ten years ago he retired and desired to end with a dream of living on his own vineyard in a modified sheep barn, just enjoying life or traveling around the world seeing some of what he missed earlier in life.
But his dream got interrupted by ELOHIM, who appointed him like another Jonah mentioned in the Bible. At first, he complained that he had never written anything, not educated and had only learned English from cheap movies seen while living in French speaking Quebec being mostly unemployed during the long icy winter of 1953.
However, I was willing, which ended with the Grand Warning of God’s Wrath published on a free web with 14 Babushka egg concept books and 170 Pearl eggs. This time God sent not a theologian but a successful inventor-scientist to be a credible witness deciphering Bible mysteries matching physics still so controversial to theologians and suppressed in universities. But I researched ancient history by visiting museums and discovered true science not found in modern schoolbooks, linked to forgotten Kosmos laws. It was an exciting journey, the best time of my life.
God started to educate me beyond my imagination and showed me science from a totally new perspective, which proved to be in conflict with present university teaching. He opened up my understanding of the Bible and even taught me the Torah embedded with a Hebrew Alphabet Number System, a totally new perspective never preached in church or in the halls of higher education. It alienated everybody, especially theologians and pastors, even my family since it cut across family traditions. But the discovered science evidence was too overwhelmingly fun to investigate, which stopped the music and partying in the barn.
Everybody thought the old man flipped! He kept writing being appointed to give seven warning years, like the birth bangs of the apocalypse announcing God’s Wrath. Now the warning is over as Jonah-II has finished his final observations now to retire like the old prophet in Nineveh. I am also wondering what ELOHIM will do after sending his final message to 100 national embassies.
Why, How & When is the End of…Pearl #270
My last research pearls has ended the seven-year warnings on a winter solstice 2015, which matched many Bible prophecies, now it is better explained and proven by true science. Babushka egg concept books are very unique not equaled anywhere or found in any library around the globe.
In them God’s oracles were overlaid with newly discovered science linked to ancient historical knowledge from a 360° perspective. Babushka eggs explained many misunderstood Bible prophecies messed up by Christian denominational dogmas linked to massive lies in science perpetrated in universities to suppress absolute Truth, in rebellion to well known documented cosmic laws. It will run its course. Nature is unforgiving, a reality demonstrated by many violated Laws of Physics.
But this time Evil is bigger as shown in Pearl #270, which is a shocker and includes some pictures from the web of what was done in secret. Why not investigate these crimes of human babies being born in hidden laboratories half-pig, half-frog, in trans-genetic, indescribable GMO evil. You need to figure out what the Creator ELOHIM will do, as my warning had no effect. Just like the relatives of Noah who on 5 February 2287 BC (Julian calendar) missed the boat and perished with a hi-tech population of billions from a worldwide Flood. Why do universities deny the many museums artifacts and now GMO mutations?
2014 August Breaking News Mixing Human DNA with Animal DNA
Last days final hour news prophecy 8-16-13
Many Babushka eggs and pearls were sent to Christian TV theologians, global governments and international universities still rejecting the evidence presented in true science, which cannot be denied as collaborated by over hundred YouTube witnesses that would win every case around the world in any court of law.
My last question to the ELOHIM, “When Jonah was sent to Nineveh with a big fish, he was very successful. The whole town listened to his warnings. But why is Winter Solstice 2015 so quiet, too?” That was also noted when the Tetra Blood Moon warnings created a lot of Web fluff. My forewarnings were quiet because every TV station is owned by NYC bankers printing money, who don’t allow exposition of the evidence of the evil they caused.
In spite of rejecting Jonah-II Babushka egg concept warnings, the Internet will vanish shortly too, thus it will not be available to find the date 1 Tishri 5777 (2016) for God’s Kingdom on to arrive Earth. It means that these Babushka egg concept warnings were meant for the next generation starting a new civilization.
The new society will naturally ask, “Why did God destroy so much on this earth ending totally a hi-tech world with so few survivors?” Perhaps they will dig in the old ruins to find a history bridge in 14 Babushka egg concept books and get the answer from Jonah-II warnings published ending on
Winter Solstice 2017.
Ending Pre-recorded History
The “Purpose” of Mankind was never really preached in any church, being biased by denominational false dogmas still stuck from the Middle Ages. Thus most Christian theologians do not agree with what has been published on the free web for seven years to illuminate new discoveries overlaid in science, that prove many Bible events.
To check out these 14 Babushka egg concept books will take some time because they reach a higher plateau by investigating thousands of historic science facts. Compare them with the many lies preached in global universities to cloud our minds. Many have become brain-dead, proven in most by a shortened attention span.
Satan determined to blind mankind to win the conflict with ELOHIM, thus he will program minds to violate unforgiving nature to die sooner, before comprehending Truth. For example, 2000 years ago Governor Pontius Pilatus, embroiled in heated religious confrontations that clashed with the politics of the Roman Empire questioned, “What is Truth?” He did not know he stood before the Creator ELOHIM, and turned his back, not waiting for an answer. Why is Truth still suppressed as billions of people live in ignorance and utter poverty? They will now perish, as nature is unforgiving.
God blessed my Christian journey, which was preceded by my education as a scientist-inventor. I have not acquired the practice of throwing hundreds of Bible verses into the ring like a lawyer to win or defend what God said. Instead, I fished out hundreds of logical facts, like pearls from a science ocean, and visited museums to verify ancient history confirmed on a free web. It clarified many clouded Bible predictions to wake up sleeping Christians.
Why has this newly discovered science linked to Bible prophecy silenced in every church, or not discussed in the media being totally ignored? Christianity became corrupt by teaching a Gospel riddled with Satan’s dogma lies. He succeeded by tempting theologians with money and prestige to abandon a higher calling. It is no different than the atheistic world: ignorant together they will perish in God’s Wrath, guaranteed.
Jesus made it clear at his last minute on the cross and told one of the person executed next to him that he will have Eternal Life on the other side. It did not take much Bible knowledge for that assurance. Many Christians are blinded by Satan’s lies taught in their church and think they will be rewarded for going to church every Sunday. They assume that just believing the right stuff will make one privileged for the Lord to favor them. They hope to be raptured out of trouble, but will be greatly disappointed.
Many Christians are not conscious that they violate God’s Holiness by ignoring his commandments. Rather, they trust in pagan holidays and evil traditions, like Sunday dedicated to an ancient sun god. To convert the Roman crowd to their brand of Christianity and increase revenues, many pagan holidays and rituals were included in the church traditions by the popes under Constantine. Not much has changed in Christianity for 2000 years. Just watch the many churches in Jerusalem on Christmas entrenched in pagan religious worship, which is the greatest tourist business in town.
The biggest controversy taught in many American churches is the dogma of a seven-year apocalypse claimed by the majority of Protestant theologians. Not educated in science or understanding ancient calendars proven by mystery museum clocks, they will never decode Bible prophecy. The Tetra Blood Moon signs in the sky were missed because they looked from a distorted Bible prophecy perspective not matching science facts.
Now we have run out of time. Perhaps it is too late to wake up from a self-righteous spiritual sleep, as they still quote misapplied scripture. Why close the eyes, or minds to the many worldwide signs, such as a stressed environment and GMO technology collapsing linked to empty food shelf riots?
Why not investigate that we are on the edge of God’s Wrath as the (7) seven-year apocalypse birth bangs now ended in the projected 2015 winter solstice as indicated in the World Cuckoo Clock? It is the time to wake up from sleep and get ready for the countdown of what was predicted! If we don’t accept prophecy dating, we will perish. Why not examine unforgiving nature and follow the trail of evil consequences matching science.
Geo Engineering Documentary (5-12-15)
Technology associated with political corruption has grown to an oppressed atheistic One World Order dominated by psychopathic Illuminati NYC bankers.
Why be unperturbed, not recognizing that the last Apocalypse birth pains will be soon over. Perhaps we behave like a frog put into a saucepan of warm water. As it gets hotter, it will not jump out and so die. Calamities explained in nature will attest linked to prophecy events and Bible history written in advance.
Now we don’t even have frogs anymore in Yosemite Park, for example. When frogs are genetically modified and nature is poisoned by hi-tech GMO, and worse if mankind is not able to stop the transgenic modification of the mortal gene pool now mixed with animal-genes, it will greatly provoke the Crreator ELOHIM, now very angry. Why be comatose and not bothered that LIFE on this planet is in danger of becoming totally extinct in very short time?
Thus watch this evil abomination destroying many life forms in an unforgiving nature to become extinct on our earth, the only place in the universe, will surely be terminated to end in a foretold Second Apocalypse. Read Jonah-II’s last warning of science facts blended with prophecy to get a more clear perspective, perhaps for the first time. I urge you to read his last announcements, as the public is totally ignorant of suppressed reality. (Pearl #233, #242, #270, #300)
Why are so many Christians unaware of what their governments and the many industrial cartels are doing behind closed doors? They remain totally uninformed of wicked Transgenic and GMO’s technology.
Most life forms are in the process of total destruction. Only God’s mercy and intervention can stop this mad race towards extinction. Check what was done during Noah’s time to cause God’s Wrath.
The Creator will save some of mankind again from the consequences of merciless unforgiving nature. Perhaps a modified frog-brain is better educated than theologians to recognize that God would not add another seven years to his Plan as proposed in church.
Ask the question, “Why have frogs and honeybees vanished? Billions of dead fish found on many world beaches? My housefly-squatter not used in years, thus not around anymore. Do you really think we are exempt from Satan now gloating, “I won” in his power struggle to be co-equal with the Creator?
That was the motive behind Satan’s rebellion in 4488 BC. Please watch the cited YouTube videos as they could help to wake up everybody with an open mind to change and correct a rigid unbelief system.
Historically, millions of Christians were persecuted; some were recently beheaded similar to the first century. Our current society has become evil because most Christians voted to public office corrupt atheists. They are spiritually asleep in church being entertained by Christian professional to become a millionaire in one year who pleasantly tickles their itchy ears. Surely is not rewarded with a rapture escaping judgment.
The Christianized religious establishment, similar to Yeshua-Jesus time, would repeat and crucify the Lord yet again and even call him a liar when he said, "...in one generation I will come back”, which makes it possible to date God’s Wrath applying science. They only can repeat a mantra, “No one knows the Time.” without doubt they will miss the bridegroom.
If you think that God appointed you like a Saint, make sure you have enough oil in the lamp. Notice most TV preachers pray to some God who must be very poor. Why do they always sell outdated Christian deceptive denominational dogmas to confuse truth?
Theologians do not even know what a Christian or a Saint is, as mentioned by Daniel, John and Paul. They never bothered to delineate what is really taught in Scripture but sell their opinions mixed with atheist lies to the highest bidder. Thus a corrupt Christian Church will be judged equally to an atheistic world system.
Many ignored the arrival date of Yeshua-Jesus. Most Apocalypse birth pangs have passed, all climaxing in God’s Wrath. But watch the sky after Winter Solstice (2023) to see what the ELOHIM will do matching a Hebrew Alphabet cycles. When true science facts are linked to nature would better understand Yeshua’s arrival on earth. Like a pregnant woman recognizes her time of birth and knows that the useless placenta is discarded after the birth of the child, so it will be for the 21st Century Civilization.
When society once more becomes totally corrupted, mixing human genes with animals like in Noah’s time of 2288 BC, history teaches how an angry Creator ELOHIM will respond. Screwing up his creation to threaten extinction of Life has destined that atheistic civilization to perish matching again Noah’s history. His wrath is once more duplicated perhaps with a coming (Dactyl) asteroid already in orbit to collide with the earth and proven by many science events.
Nothing will remind future generations of the last civilization why most of mankind perished in a divine Wrath linked to genetic high-technology causing extinction of many Life forms. When the intelligence of genes was altered will repeat God’s Judgment like Noah’s Civilization that vanished. (5 February 2287 BC)
My Bible story is different from what is preached in Christian churches. It will open new frontiers to explain who will survive God’s Wrath and who is chosen for a mini-pre-resurrection Probation mystery?
God’s Plan for Mankind
One day I will see my Life history from a metaphysic perspective and realize why certain fibers crossed on my time carpet. Perhaps now will understand why my life turned so many times being changed and guided by my heavenly father watching over me. While so many good people and children’s lives were bathed in sufferings or died young. I hope to resurrect after the Apocalypse to live in Yeshua’s Kingdom lasting 1000 Julian calendar years. Thus “Time” for me is shortened but still will match a 7000yr. Hebrew calendar of human history linked to Pearl #258.
However the Jod dimension is continued in a new earth-heaven and populated by a resurrection of much larger mankind. Perhaps a universe is shaped with enormous planets like Antares and thus is frequently visited by the traveling Golden City. (Rev.21:10) It will exhibit a gigantic URN containing dirt from Golgotha to express the biggest historical event of a Daleth Time Dimension linked to a 7000yr. calendar embossed in golden letters:
Mortal Mankind 4488 BC-AD 3018
(7000 Solstice years)
Underneath is a rotunda table of seventy (70) books mentioned in Revelation representing (70) centuries of mankind with the names and video story of every person pardoned in the TIME Dimension. It dates the embedded verdict, “Mercy unto Life” like a new birth - a Gift from Elohim -Yeshua, like an official city record of detailed importance, similar to a dated memorial tombstone. (John 3:5-21)
On an elevated table is a single beautifully colored seven-sealed manuscript, The Book of Life, written on the inside with the names of SAINTs, a mystery belonging to royalty household of the King of Kings?
My odd Saint story is not allowed in church, but could start with the first page (Gen. 1:26) of the Torah. The Creator YHWH revealed the reason of a great mystery linked to various concepts:
Let us make Herbert R. Stollorz in our image.
I put my name in that equation of what God said because the Creator gave mortal bodies to everyone. However, no other human was ever created like me from a DNA-DNR gene pool perspective, thus it is a totally new and special “human” creation.
If you put your name in it, is another story in the same book you could tell me about it later, provided if you have been given Mercy unto Life to live in the New Heaven or New Earth dependent on your choice. That new concept is different and is found on the last page of the Bible to widen a faith horizon. There are many amazing truth appetizers on the Bible table not taught in Christian Churches. Why not check it out before we die in God’s Wrath. An overlooked fact, the first story explains why Satan appeared right on the First Day in the Garden east of Eden when the ELOHIM came to visit in the cool of the evening. He spoiled the innocent relationship of Adam and Eve with Evil and stole his new job assignment.
Satan never wasted time to rule the earth, the only place where life exists in the universe. He exercised his given absolute control over mankind knowing full well that God the Elohim would not “interfere” with his acts of evil, but he was still limited by a divine statute Kosmos laws, lasting 6000 solstice years.
The reason can be observed in science. When Satan was assigned to rule an Adam world system, the Creator expected him to inoculate every mortal with evil. But Evil and Good must always be balanced. If he killed Christians, Jews or the righteous, it must be offset somewhere else with extra birth rate. Satan created hundreds of religions biased with lies to counter divine truth fixed by the Ten Commandments given to mankind to overcome a merciless nature.
The consequence of Satan’s lies are offset with acts of goodness and kindness, like charities, the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Inner City Mission, hospitals and many more. Most organizations were started by dedicated hard working Christians. Applying true science will educate people in unforgiving nature, if violated will end life. It is offset by beneficial righteous true science to maintain nature advised in the Bible.
For example, Satan created the Quran of an Islam religion meant substitute the Torah-Bible. It urged the killing of every infidel, Jews and Christian, which is offset in Bible teaching to multiply. Thus the Crreator countered by blessing mankind with a higher birthrate seen in a Moslem culture. It will match what God has endorsed to Adam and Eve to multiply passed on to the next generation of mortals. History recorded that after Mohammed’s death the ruling power elite decided to have a holy book too, like the Jews. They forced a Jewish scholar and a Catholic nun to write the Quran. But the Jewish scholar realized no one knew how to read or write started every paragraph “Allah is great” misinterpreted from a short Hebrew anomaly means, “It is a lie” being forced to write. Both writers were executed anyway. Check the web; it is not my story warning everyone of God’s Wrath.
It eventually became obvious that the system would tilt towards absolute Evil. It will accelerate when God’s spirit is countered to a point of no return when a society became absolute Evil instead is balanced with “Good”. Otherwise Kosmos law will redirect God’s Wrath to correct a mortal system and start over again. It happened before in 2288 BC, which wiped out a high technology of an Atlantis Civilization and only Noah’s family of eight survived being righteous.
It was prophesied again to occur on 1 Tishri 5777 (2016), projected by Christian educated as inventor-scientist and appointed by the Creator give warnings like a penname Jonah-II to wake up everybody to pay attention. Soon this age will perish in God’s Wrath guaranteed, confirmed with many science witnesses.
Checking history once more and Bible prophecy, we have three (3) “Time” cycles revealed by Enoch embedded in his Great Pyramid in Giza. (Pearl #224) He projected three asteroids within a time period of 7000 years, all dated with the math system we use today linked to pyramids, ancient bronze-gold clocks and many ancient artifacts exhibited in big world museums. (Babushka Egg Concept Book #3)
God communicated what he planned for mankind through a Bible-Torah, the only divinely written book with detailed recorded 6000-year history. Half was foretold to prove a divinely executed plan to the skeptic. It is the oldest record manuscript on earth.
A hundred concepts based on science were collected in various Babushka eggs Pearls extracted from God’s oracles, which was never attempted before and put together for a full rounded science package to widen knowledge horizons. It combines divine Revelation with natural science based on true physics.
Theologians will have a tough time, being blinded in denominational false dogmas. Atheistic scholars, now worse off being brain-dead, will not investigate the referenced Bible truth compared with nature and true science, thus falling victim to Satan’s lies. I feel sorry for them. They will never to find out that all mortals are really favored by God.
Many were prevented to know Truth in this mortal life like a caterpillar stage. The experience of evil was necessary and no fun, most of the time being bathed in pain. But that cannot be compared to the butterfly existence, which will guarantee an eternal existence in absolute goodness experiencing God’s Love forever and to continue what the Creator has pleasure in. You are the object, no fooling.
Those outside by choice only want self-satisfaction, what feels good for the moment, striving for the prestige and money Satan offers as a replacement for God’s Love. Satan wants everybody to be comatose and never experience Eternal Life in a restored Kosmos, which became unbalanced caused by the rebellion he instigated in 4488 BC upsetting a peaceful society.
A Kosmos correction gave mortals an amazing opportunity to replace the Heh dimension administration vacancies for a heavenly government. But before any person starts his new job assignment, he must gain knowledge of good and evil and understand the underlying problems and reasons why Satan opposed the Creator in the first place. To fix that problem, God’s Plan can be explained by an immune system analogy, if you are scientifically inclined.
Naturally, Satan wanted to prevent God’s Plan for Mankind throughout history and so many times killed the righteous people. But the Creator helped mankind in another quarter to succeed and so equalized the balance with large families to keep the planned population curve on track.
No matter how many people Satan killed those numbers were replaced somewhere else, as Life is the prerogative freely given and taken only by the Creator. Death is only half of the lifecycle. The bottom line, which is extra important, is that no one can die on the butterfly side, but that in satisfying the principle of free choice both parties decide life or death. What a coincidence! It is not over after death, or believe the Lie.
Being shrouded in mortality, Yeshua-Jesus was the visible side of the Godhead when on earth 2000 years ago. He was no exception to conform to a Kosmos law, which became the first agreement with Satan revealed by Yeshua once more to complete his salvation Plan for Mankind. It was disclosed on deserted mountain place while Jesus is fastening in prayer for 40 days. How was the second encounter of Satan meeting the ELOHIM-Yeshua recorded verbatim without a tape recorder?
Thereafter, only the gospels recorded Yeshua’s rejection in spite of powerful demonstrations of supernatural events blessing mankind, all documented in his divine book. He completed additional, preselected commandments in that century, ending with a published final covenant only revealed to the Saints, which is the last word in the Bible. This truth is not obvious to everyone due to Satan’s embedded denominational dogma lies.
What is a Saint? (Pearl #888)
The Creator ELOHIM is “Alpha” – the incomprehensible, invisible Spirit concealed beyond our Mind but articulated by a divine language given to all mortals. It is the only useful tool to communicate what is inside an invisible Mind replicated from the ELOHIM MIND but on the lower Daleth dimension spectrum. Many theologians tried to verbalize Christian faith in books of sophisticated elegance, but why is Truth still veiled and silenced in most modern mega-churches in time creating empty cathedrals?
Many questions can now be googled. Some good Bible teachers are still around, but you need the light ON in your Mind. Simply ask Yeshua-Jesus for more understanding. Many concepts were presented in Babushka Eggs with a new glow because biased theologians are no longer teaching Truth. If any of these questions raise an uneasy feeling, then that mind needs more light to discover truth one notch higher, though suppressed in most churches biased by faulty denominational dogmas. Prophecies can be better understood with some help from true science, or watch young people on YouTube videos having more wisdom while rubbing theologians the wrong way.
A “Veil” could be opened by observing nature, which could give us reasons answering why, how and when mankind was designed on a two phase cycle system explained in a number of pearls. Mankind was first designed to be mortal and thereafter to experience a resurrection and given a choice to live in God’s house by his rules or Mercy unto Death.
Mankind was first designed to be mortal and thereafter to experience a resurrection and given a choice to live in God’s house by his rules, or Mercy unto Death. This truth is demonstrated in nature as the mortal Daleth dimension is like a caterpillar side which ends into a cocoon to die and return to dust. Only to re-appear as a morphed butterfly, reborn with a totally new resurrected body now having wings to fly thousands of miles which is similar to our spiritual existence no longer constricted. A second witness is from a meta-physics perspective standing in front of a mirror will only see a two Daleth dimensional image.
But the scientifically inclined will understand that the image is produced from a three-dimensional person standing in front of the mirror. But much is hidden like a Mind, embedded Life controlled by intelligence, billions of genes converted to billions proteins making bones and fibers. Many more complex internal organs work together in unison all being controlled by an infinite Mind. It can reason if God exist with a special name or think why mankind was purposed and placed on a temporal planet. Visiting a cemetery full of gravestones with embedded names shows two birthdays and dated the after-life.
Thus the mystery of creation is invisible but will continue assured by a historic person of Yeshua who came from the butterfly side. His resurrection is proof of a future Life filled with events confirmed by his return to establish the purpose of His Kingdom, perhaps the Apocalypse is dated (1.Tishrie 5783 (2023)? Check what is recorded in the Torah-Bible or the web linked to Babushka eggs books of many science facts.
To continue the most important story for everybody, God the Creator originally introduced to Adam and Eve the principle of “Good and Evil”. It was passed on to their children in order to inoculate mortals with a large dose of evil to make a future resurrected Life immune. The resurrected soul-spirit (butterfly side) will know how evil hurts and automatically will snuff it out in the bud before it grows like a mushroom in darkness is similar to an immune system against germs. It will prevent Evil, or a future repeat of a Satan’s rebellion that crashed and disturbed a peaceful community of a heavenly angel domain. Therefore modern science can explain how the immune process works for healthy body. Pursuing Truth, Mankind is resurrected to pass a final test before a White Throne, an awfully event recoded in the last book (Rev.14:11)
Suffering and death was meant for mortals will be remembered on the other side that to prevent another rebellion again in a Jod dimension. Being immune from an Evil by inoculation is a useful technology applied to a new earth-heaven. Some of Mankind will do not pass the final test having become absolute evil against a common sense to guarantee a perfect Life.
Thus every mortal is outfitted with a Mind that can learn how to manage evil and not become evil. But many need help because of ignorance of the Bible. Accordingly God appointed many ancient scribes who write what is right or wrong applied to ancient or modern times guided by Ten Commandments. It is helpful on the journey to reach our final destination. To make a case in any court of law you need five witnesses to prove an accusation to establish Truth. Someone might quote correctly the Bible but should be linked to the divine Supreme Court mentioned in Daniel and Revelation written by John will see the reality a one notch higher. Many books will be opened to evaluate everybody before the White Throne, but notice there is an extra “Book of Life”.
This special book is meant for a higher evaluation of some mortals not only judged by good and evil but gained favor for an embedded spiritual precondition of higher insight not dependent on religious education. It will include everybody since Adam who never had the opportunity to be informed of a written Torah. Perhaps they heard verbal oracles remembered from ancient time which is the majority of mankind. Summed up, they are appointed by the Creator. Many Christian theologians will cry once more – burn this heretic ruining our business.
Yeshua-Jesus died on the cross on Golgotha for every offence and offered a free forgiveness, a gift to anyone searching for restitution. But his death and resurrection is beyond reason, as a shrouded divine essence died on a higher level to pay for the original violation of the Kosmos Law that cannot be explained in science or religion. When the infinite eternal Creator became visible in Yeshua-Jesus the Christ introduced a new Kosmos principle Mercy onto Life or Mercy unto Death. Every mortal or angel is given a choice because only the eternal Son Yeshua paid the penalty for any cosmic violation-Sin, like a Satan’s rebellion. It will restore all creation and a divine Holiness. The majority mankind is ignorant of why evil exists that includes many Christians certainly not privileged.
All of Mankind is judged with an unpardonable SIN redefined for to reflect on the underlying common “intent” which is a one notch higher judgment spelled out and stated in the Gospel by Yeshua on his mountain sermon gathering. (John 7 & 8)
Yeshua explained it, “The Law said, but I say, if…” Notice he introduced a higher principle “The Intent.” He struck at the root of the evil that corrupted Satan. The root of the original SIN transgression was disloyalty to the Creator which cannot be forgiven but needs to be judged because His divinity is extremely righteous thus very sacred Holy. Consequently only the Creator could fix the problem as nothing could exist without his permission. Thus the Infinite God became visible to atone for Sin in Yeshua the Christ.
His dying on the cross proved his absolute Love to the lowest level of creation. He could have destroyed everything and started over. No one would have ever known why a previous creation existed. When there is no law, no transgression exist either. Thus, a cosmic violation must be corrected on a Kosmos dimension level. But mortals came later, purposed to replace fallen angels and needed be inoculated against evil, explained in science linked to Babushka egg Pearls.
Even a suffering lower Nature required atonement symbolized by Hebrew Alphabet Number System as Daleth means = 4 “On this earth and in this Time.” The vertical axis points to a heavenly dimension which will be shaped to a new creation to become the prophesied New Heaven and New Earth. Notice the Jod dimension was historical verified in a first Resurrection from the dead by Jesus-Yeshua.
Why do theologians still preach denominational false dogmas not changed from the Middle Ages and refuse to respect what the Elohim gave to mankind. Why dishonor the Yeshua-Jesus’ teaching the only book translated into a thousand languages preserved supernaturally for 6000 years, still a best seller.
Theologians blinded by money and buying prestige should notice on a leftover free web the proof that many American TV preachers became corrupt and teach lies. Perhaps will not be Saints matching what Jesus said:“Go away I never knew you.” (Matt. 22:41)
Christians not interested in truth being flawed like atheists will be the most disappointed persons facing the White Throne Judgment. A special selected group of mortals were appointed in (Rev. 6:9, 7:11).
All the names in (Hebrews: 11) and the names on the foundation of his satellite Golden City (Rev. 21:9) could they belong to the Saints for a separate purpose? Check the book of Daniel, John and Paul’s epistles. It was finalized in Babushka eggs #1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and Pearls #107, 109, 168.
Across the total spectrum of 6000 years of history the ELOHIM has chosen some pre-selected special people to be the Saints. That statement will upset a lot of Christians to cry out: “Heretic, burn him once more!” To qualify, YHWH the Crreator looks at the inner make-up disposition of every individual similar to a king selected some virgins for his exclusive pleasure.
It is not dependent on what we believe, as Saints are appointed to be personally tutored in Kosmos laws by the Yeshua-Jesus during the time of His Kingdom on earth. He is the principal teacher for those individual resurrected earlier, or many receiving Probation in a limited pre-mini-resurrection as school time will be thousand years linked to a Jod dimension.
Sadly many Christians all their lives paid much to theologians to be entertained with a fake rapture story that totally misconstrued Paul’s, John’s & Daniel’s writings mostly misquoted to keep you either sleeping or ignorant. But God looks only at the hidden intent and motivation was it aimed to please the Creator?
Examining the evidence from true science will match 100% prophecy to arrive at the greatest conclusion. Logical to govern the KOSMOS on a lower Daleth Court administration is presently vacant. The highest Arch-angel Lucifer must first be imprisoned for his crimes and all his demons, 200 million fallen angels, terminated to end the greatest Apocalypse. (Rev. 9)
On the other side of the divine equation, what is the purpose of a new promised earth-heaven after Yeshua’s Kingdom has ended on Earth. Daniel and John detailed the end of “Time” linked to a Grand Resurrection for every mortal to continue Life. But the Creator needed someone loyal to be higher educated to manage the Jod dimension thus appointed from the 6000yr. pool of mankind the replacements to fill a vacant office by selected Saints.
Daniel, John and Apostle Paul extended the list down to Adam and mentioned the Saints. That means that sixty (60) Centuries of Mankind cultures will be replicated now mixed with divine knowledge and educating those who never heard the Torah-Bible.
It is still a good story being appointed by the King of Kings. That gives me hope because I am an old retired inventor will always research nature of new developments linked Yeshua’s Kingdom starting after the greatest Apocalypse ending high-tech Civilization. Watching like Jonah will ask the Lord for a favor:
I wrote much in 14 Babushka eggs concept books and Pearls; the last was #300 amended many times. Therefore when 16 million YouTube videos were cancelled mostly forbidden true science and typically worldwide Christian teaching is the sign that Yeshua-Jesus is on the front door to start his divine Kingdom. Truth cannot be squashed because everything what a mind of mortals formulated, the good or evil, is recorded in the Books of Books and saved in heaven.
Thus it does not matter if a free Web died, as foretold prophecy will prevail not depending on mortality. Only our intent is honored by a Creator who knows your name. (Psalm 139) To honor our desire cannot be earned with good deeds or any other means and is not dependent on what anybody believes, thanks heaven, instead favored or appointed to Sainthood designed for an exclusive purpose initiated by YHWH.
To widen knowledge horizons in true science, I have asked the Lord: How do we get a privilege and great honor to dine with the Lords of Lords at his table? Can it be earned? Would hidden deeds qualify or protected ambition, maybe extra sacrifices used as payments, get favors or rewarding theoretical believe system? Do we need special talents to govern angels or judge stubborn mortals? Perhaps a desire to love the Lord linked to good behavior. Would it qualify?
Many more questions could be asked. Or why would a king favor some virgins? (Matt. 25) All had oil, but only 50% were not foolish and had “enough”? Could it be linked to a preordained divine purpose matching a plan for a future universe of a new-earth or new-heaven even before anyone was born?
When God is all knowing could He direct the future, or could it be possible to selectively appoint a special mortal to be trained for a divine reason and intention?
It is a great honor to accompany the King of kings in his affair to govern a universe? Would you like to be a Governor appointed to be a Saint to learn about economics, directing transportation & growing food? Who will make a decision for taking care of a ten times bigger population and a million high-tech Jobs?
Do me a favor and read the Esther story: a little slave girl put her life on the line to run against protocol - uncalled to appear in public, to expose evil to the ultimate power of an Empire? Her last words, “And if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4:16) To fill vacancies in the Kosmos White House to help the Creator make decisions, you must be educated in various Evils, which could grow again like a mushroom overnight. Only mortals familiar with extreme suffering could qualify being inoculated against Evil to prevent another Kosmos upset rebellion.
Now you know what is pleasing the King of Kings selecting his virgin. Looking deeper in Bible analogy, does it depend of being a Christian believing in lies or truth or have enough oil to qualify? Only the allotted Sainthood selected across 6000yrs will be resurrected to meet the King of Kings during Yeshua’s Kingdom
Most theologians teach otherwise, confirming a shortage of oil and thus will perish in God’s Wrath. The virgin Ester risked her life thus passed the test, which raised her friends into royalty positions blessing the whole empire. A Saint will protect the Kosmos against absolute evil and snuff out the virus of Sin in the bud prevented to control a redeemed society.
If you want to honor the King should exposed our real intent like in an examples. Do we celebrate Sunday? It is surely a violation of Gods Laws spelled out in the Ten Commandments. The Christian church adopted many pagan holidays during Cesar Constantine times to fill up churches making more money.
But if you desired to be gathered at Yeshua-Jesus coming back to earth need to talk to him you get a resurrection exemption. Deliberate rebellion believing lies preached in church surely will not be appointed to a Saint, as character and lifestyle must be pure, void of evil. In my opinion is good advice if I was a king.
I hope we understand what a special Saint is. None is exempt from death, but being early resurrected must be linked to a purpose needed to build up a divine civilization during end of Time. Death is in reality not that terrible, it is really like just losing consciousness or stepping through a door? The fear of death was inbuilt for every mortal otherwise any little problem here or there linked to painful tests would skip town to avoid being inoculated with evil which is needed for a new butterfly life on the other side. Why make it into a rapture business loving money more than truth?
The Creator YHWH appointed Satan to teach his mortals evil before he is executed for his crimes. Inoculation is always painful but was determined to match cosmic Laws. A true inoculated immune system similar to Typhus or Cholera bacteria could explain why we must experience EVIL? Death is still a mystery can only be rationalized having a purpose. A rapture story helping Satan to enforce an inbuilt fear of death is sold to many Christians to make a pastor a millionaire. But a profitable rapture business confused many theologians of Apostle Paul teaching revealing a resurrection mystery that was made into a tale that some will not die when Yeshua returns to start his Kingdom. But Jesus said, “Go away I never knew you.” (Matt. 25:41). A rapture story got twisted by many pastors ignoring what was told to Adam: if sin, you will die. Instead they will perish in an Apocalypse resulting in the end of an atheistic world system.
But a Saint, passing early the Grand Resurrection test, is appointed to start new universities with Yeshua as a principal teacher to be trained in righteousness. They will become the governing body of a restored Kosmos managing a New-Earth and New-Heaven. It requires a well trained administration first on earth to gain experience to reign, judge or teach stubborn mortal during the Gods Kingdom, thus will graduate with high honors to oversee and regulate the Kosmos. They qualified as many greatly suffered even killed throughout history now is rewarded like war heroes.
The Saints learned how to organize during Yeshua’s Kingdom using divine wisdom to restore the earth to former splendor and helping nature to return to its original pristine potential. An example recently can be examined in China and Africa a number of scientists recondition the worst place of a vast draught stricken area of damaged desert totally bare of vegetation for hundreds miles. They systematically experimented in the reforestation by creating contour steps to collect runoff rain which stored the excess water to grow trees and vegetation during the dry season. In five years helped nature being re-established to flourish.
It is model for a future economy to serve a much bigger populations administrated by total free energy. Check how suppressed cheap energy is available in Pearl #259 meant for Dummies lesson #1, # 32 & #33, and how to get electricity-Hydrogen gas totally gratis hidden in nature. It could open up permafrost areas for agriculture during Yeshua’s Kingdom with many more examples collected in Babushka Egg books. Fish will return in every river and ocean no longer polluted by nuclear radiation linked many prophecies much more is embedded in the Torah-Bible.
For the first time mankind will be governed by a beneficial government helping nature providing plenty of food without a season for an increased civilization. The new generation will be educated what is beneficial to heal nature even the animal’s will no longer fear man. The whole nature will honor the Creator for his gift of Life now managed without evil, controlled by an intelligent Mind. I just described God’s Kingdom Earth already waiting on the front door. Why not believe a forbidden Bible? What a great chance to be appointed to a royal Sainthood.
What About Israel?
Much confusion exist in Christian and Jewish circles what the Elohim had planned for mankind. It is really simple if you are educated in true science and use logic. Every business is usually organized around a corporation plan why not copy it from the original revealed in the Bible?
Every management has a secretary sitting at the same table not involved with the business but to record minutes of everything that was said. When running my own corporation, I learned that it was required by law. All transpired events needed to be recorded word by word for a representative of the Secretary of State in a special corporate book to verify the name of the owner, what was said, waiver and notice of consent, and dated. That original law was instituted by YHWH, we just copied it.
The Creator planned a historic Babel event after 2288 BC finalized on earth with 70 nations needed someone to record the history of mankind summed up in a 7000yr. Hebrew calendar. He qualified first Enoch and appointed Noah as secretaries; one was the architect of the Great Pyramid in Giza the other a boat builder, both were well educated as true scientists.
After the greatest Flood in 5 February 2287 BC (Julian calendar) the population increased again, but history needed more secretaries which required a number of well-trained people for the remaining 4300yrs history. The ELOHIM first decided and picked Abraham. He promised, if faithful, his family would grow into a mini-nation among the other emerging nations each evolving with a different language and culture.
It became the nation Israel well known in history, which wrote the corporate Torah book by forty (40) Hebrew prophets-secretaries and added many more modern scholars and scientists for the benefit of all mankind. Thus the nation Israel was rewarded with many special unconditional covenants throughout history from the Creator ELOHIM.
Therefore Israel was selected as a timekeeper and was used to illustrate prophecy, even purchased a property in Jerusalem to have a footstool for the Creator. He started with Abraham with a plot to bury his kin in Hebron, King David bought a threshing floor in Jerusalem for 50 silver coins and hundreds of years later Judas Iscariot threw 30 silver coins into the Temple that bought a property on Golgotha still owned by ELOHIM.
Soon Yeshua-Jesus will come back as King of Kings to inspect why mankind again converted His prophecy to a money-making enterprise. He will tectonic raise his property to a high mountain and stretch Jerusalem into a wide valley to make room for His huge world headquarters now centered with a prophesied new Ezekiel Pyramid Temple. (Pearl #174) Israel will fabricate first a temporal tent Tabernacle, as building a stone Temple would take much longer time meant for (70) nation to honor the Creator YHWH-Yeshua King of kings and Lord of lords.
The new reborn Israel will be chosen again to become a faithful secretary scribe to record the future history from one generation to the next. Being accustomed to (HANS) and divine Laws will be better equipped to honor and worship the owner of the Kosmos Yeshua.
To be properly educated from the other side and appointed to govern mankind, Satan’s power needed first be terminated. Evil being deceitful, arrogant and lying is now converted to be beneficial to mankind used in a spiritual immunization system. Those who suffered from evil and reject wickedness will inherit a future Kosmos to preserve the Jod dimension.
Satan is so dangerous hence Humanity needed the authority of the Word of God to slowdown in history Satan’s evil science developments recorded in the Torah-Bible. He always wanted to destroy this earth to prove himself more powerful as the Creator. His ultimate intent is recently discovered in a final attempt to destroy the 21st Century Civilization as reasoned in Babushka egg concept books, linked to Pearl #233.
Lucifer always wanted to demolish God’s Plan for Mankind; hence he corrupted world bankers printing fiat money to control shadow governments enforcing destructive fake science. It caused worldwide much extinction of Life to change nature with many patents modifying genes and DNA codes to destroy mankind and the environment on earth. (Pearl #233)
To counter Satan after the Flood, the Creator confused mankind’s languages to slow down evil technology emerging once more and made sure his Torah-Bible of divine oracles were translated into hundred languages. The world has now a complete record of the total history of mankind, even foretold 40% of the events in advance to convince the many skeptics. He appointed forty (40) pennamed prophets functioning as secretary scribes to prove many divine inspirations with logic not fake. It is absolutely amazing to have faithfully recorded the human history for 6000 years. The most important lessons not learned by mankind is God’s blessings or curses to show why evil should be avoided and not repeated linked to an unforgiving nature. Give those scribes a big thank you, which even recorded true science in the first Genesis verse.
Every child is born with a microcode of an immune system to know Good and Evil and will transfer it to the other side. Thus the lessons learned needed to be recorded by scribes for the next generation as nature is merciless unforgiving, always renewed Life when Death followed to stop extinction. It is now proven in contemporary GMO technology linked to thermo-dynamic entropy laws to end in Kelvin absolute cold. It requires infinite energy to fuel nature to keep us and the universe alive. Or tell me why the light is ON in the sun and stars? If curious, check the Bible or the Energy for Dummies #1, #33, Babushka Eggs book #9.
The Creator told Adam to love Eve and multiply to have children. Their offspring’s became 70 nations after Babel, each identified with its own language to slow down evil technology. Then he appointed scribes to record what happened historically to Israel mirror imaged in bordering nations until the Time dimension curtain is closed to start the Jod dimension.
However, in parallel all was recorded on the other side, too. These books will be opened before God during the White Throne Judgment. Check it out. Please notice the Torah-Bible was recorded by (40) Hebrew scribes, but to balance the historic record of Mankind is mirror imaged “The Book of Life.
Thus everyone will stand before the White Throne to be reviewed for Mercy unto Life or Mercy unto Death, linked to (Luke 23:39) If you are scientifically inclined and want to learn more about these new science and Bible history discoveries, check out the Babushka Egg concepts never preached in church or allowed in universities. This civilization will soon disappear being judged yet again by Elohim -Yeshua.
To end my story, please learn from repeated historic lessons. This civilization will be judged again as every nation is destroying the earth with high-technology like Sodom and Gomorrah in history. They have forgotten when Evil spiraled to “absolute” will devastate the Creator’s property meant for a thousand years. Consequently if you survived His Wrath, watch the sky after 2022AD when Yeshua’s Kingdom is ushered in on a temporary Daleth Earth.
Why do theologians refuse to recognize His projected arrival date? They will find out too late what is postulated free to everyone. Accumulated wealth will be worthless as Evil is continued to run its course. Hence most will perish because an unforgiving nature linked to a polluted environment and hi-tech GMO collapsing worldwide many food chains verified on many YouTube videos reported if not cancelled.
To encounter YHWH’s Wrath, the Creator will save mankind yet again similar to an offensive Evil like in Noah’s time 2288 BC. He will once more start a new civilization for mankind on a temporal Daleth earth linked to Yeshua’s Kingdom. So this inventor-science messenger Jonah-II left town when the last sign appeared of the coming Apocalypse. A “free internet” has died (12/10/2019 - Pearl #300) when 16 million videos of true science and most Christian broadcasts were canceled on a computer YouTube platform.
I asked the Lord for a good-bye word and put my finger randomly in my old Bible to find a proper reference applicable for the moment. The Elohim-Yeshua selected one to describe events destined for the 21st Century Civilization being grossly wicked. But the Creator YHWH sitting on His Throne asked, “Who do I send?” And the prophet said, “Send me.” In my case as Jonah-II was rewarded with fantastic true knowledge revealing factual science forbidden by a FED banking cartel, perhaps coupled to Sainthood.
Once more the Creator repeated many “Warnings” of His Wrath based on divine knowledge suppressed worldwide by an atheistic establishment, which has corrupted many Christian Churches with fiat money. It ended with many disturbing signals in Babushka egg concept books and Pearls to widen knowledge horizons under a penname Jonah-II.
Winter Solstice 2015
In the year that King Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and the train of his robe filled the temple… And one (angel) called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!”
And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the voice of him who called, and the house was filled with smoke. And I said: “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts!”
Then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a burning coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin atoned for.” And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” And he said, “Go, and say to this people:
Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.’ Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their hearts, and turn and be healed.” Then I said, “How long, O Lord?”
“Until cities lie waste without inhabitant, and houses without people, and the land is a desolate waste, and the Lord removes people far away, and the forsaken places are many in the midst of the land. And though a tenth remains in it, it will be burned again, like a terebinth or an oak, whose stump remains when it is felled.” The holy seed is its stump (Yeshua-Jesus). (Isaiah 6:1-13)
1 Tishri 5777 (2016-2017)
Amended Pearl #300 (1-1-2020)