Pearl #249 -

Jonah's Last Warnings


God the ELOHIM has sent a second Jonah onto the town square with a last WARNING to wake up a Western Civilization steeped totally in atheisms. Even Christendom has lost its preserving salt flavor, thus it no longer shields society from its destructive tendencies. Still stunned that the Big Fish of Jonah discovery of clean free energy is ignored to replace dirty coal and deadly nuclear power could end centuries of global wars fighting over dirty Oil. Instead, the global establishment silenced Babushka concept Egg #9 and Pearl #248 now logical points to the predicted Armageddon apocalypse. I urge you to pay attention!     

Your life will end in about two years according to what was placed in the sky. Watch the (4) blood moon events plus a sun eclipse for a total five (5) witnesses of God's intent that historically match the Hebrew festivals in a manner that will not be repeated in 500 years. That is proof of it being a last WARNING to our civilization; watch Jerusalem, the ancient center of history. That city will be the cause of the five-month Apocalypse ending the global "One World Order" in Armageddon. Please check the evidence with the referenced science and the media:

But for the skeptics, God also prearranged the decoding of many Bible prophecies misunderstood by Christians, which can now be dated by ancient gold-bronze clocks in museums and unlock the message found in ancient calendars pinpointing the Apocalypse. Again God’s Wrath is repeated with an asteroid matching (5) witnesses. Take your time to watch some excellent YouTube videos of unique cosmic event.

28 September 2015

A friend of mine asked, “Why five witnesses?” The number (5) or 50, 500 in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) is linked to Heh meaning the other side of a higher level, like a hologram in physics. In any court of law only (3) witnesses are required to establish truth. But proving a Bible interpretive doctrine needs a higher level linked to the metaphysical Kosmos Laws.

Human civilization worldwide has benefited from 2000 years of Christian influence establishing basic human rights and creating many charities. So, why suppress now globally the free expression of Christian faith that once brought blessings for all mankind? Why do governments undermine its credible influence on a society? Why has this generation become so corrupt in violation of God's ancient standards recorded in His book?

This official suppression against truth will force God, the ELOHIM, to interfere in the affairs of mankind once again due to its evil technology that is destroying life on earth. Globally, the environment is poisoned, with food resources are fast declining, permanently endangered by genetic manipulation. It will guarantee that life on this planet is bound for GMO extinction in just a few years. No kidding!

A similar event is recorded in history: Noah's Flood. Over 4,300 years ago, God's Wrath was historically demonstrated with an asteroid strike on 5 February 2287 BC that destroyed an atheistic society without a trace. Why will our hi-tech civilization not refrain from making the same GMO mistakes that lead to God's Wrath once more, this time not sparing even Christians? They will not escape, just like Noah's relatives, many of whom were righteous but missed the boat because they were distracted by parties, eating and drinking instead of being alert warning their neighbors like Christians should be heeding Jesus’ prediction, too.

Our civilization of over seven billion people in 2012 is sinking fast like the Titanic. Just survey the World Wide Web and notice that the tiny minority of true Christians still blessing the world are being persecuted on a global scale. Many are tortured and murdered by corrupt, autocratic governments, especially in the Middle East.

Most Christian schools, if not demolished, are compelled to teach unscientific evolution theories concocted as facts, which has brought forth a generation that is totally atheistic, ignorant and uneducated on a global scale. Even in America the Christian Constitution got changed by an atheistic US Supreme Court totally evil allowing the murder of 50 million babies to sell their body parts for obscene profits to specialized genetic industries.

As a scientist-inventor interested in suppressed knowledge, I have investigated and collected hundreds of facts from across many science fields from physics to forbidden metaphysics, including a number of deadly statistics grossly offensive to ELOHIM. My discoveries were summed up in (12) twelve free Babushka egg concept books explaining the Bible from a scientific perspective ignored by governments and comatose churches still mired in Middle Ages confusion.

The global establishment of industrial cartels and world bankers is hiding a criminal programmed immoral Satan-driven technology now out of control and bound to terminate most LIFE on earth. Forbidden, corrupt technology has now been exposed on a free Web like a Genie born free, escaped from the bottle never to return. The global destruction of mankind will soon culminate in a crescendo to the Throne of Heaven, ending in the last war at Armageddon. To better understand our political world system, I have collected many prophetic Bible verses: they all point to countless violations of divine laws, leading to terrible and predictable consequences.

Our 21st Century civilization has grossly broken the ELOHIM’s contract made with mankind. He is very angry and will now respond with the prophesied Apocalypse to save LIFE and environment for the next generation. In His just grace He has sent first another Jonah to warn the global mass media town square, announcing the exact time of Jesus' arrival to earth, who will clean His house and direct God’s Wrath. God will purge once more this age from evil by another asteroid strike like the one that started Noah’s Flood. A 52 km rock has already been identified in 825-day orbit around the sun.

The King of Kings will arrive just in time to save mankind again as dated by Himself and recorded in His Word. Those He appointed to survive in the First Resurrection are selected Saints for a special purpose analogous to the virgins with oil (Mat. 25, Rev. 6:9-11). The Plan of Mankind required chosen Saints for a future KOSMOS government in the Jod dimension being specially educated to gain experience as judges & officials in God’s Kingdom on earth.

Dear readers, please notice: 17 September 2015 has dated God’s Wrath to end all evil and watch the last tetra super blue blood moon on Sukkot, matching again a Hebrew festival. But we have two asteroid orbit dates matching next to a Virgo constellation (4+1=5) harmonizing a Hebrew Jubilee on 23 September 2017, a special Hebrew holiday for Israel. After the last tetra blood moon events the nation Israel will celebrate the coronation of a King and laying the foundation stone of Ezekiel's Temple, coinciding with Jesus' birthday on the 70th anniversary of Israel's independence, which starts the 50 year Jubilee festival again (5 witnesses).

The Jewish Messiah’s return will ruffle many feathers of pastors and theologians now deep in trouble and put an end to their deluded, ignorant denominational quarrels from misapplying God’s Word since the Middle Ages. They never had the desire to really find out God’s Plan for Mankind, but are mostly interested in prestige and money, themselves corrupt like the atheistic world.

Why have Christians shown no interest in the many witnesses presented by science and embedded in the Bible? You can read them free on the Internet, collected in twelve (12) Babushka books written by this retired inventor of hi-tech devices.

Since the beginning, God has determined a date removing all evil from the Kosmos revealed by science and many witnesses, which should wake us up from spiritual sleep. (1Cor. 10:6-33) Yet most will not accept the idea that Jesus might date His return. Pastors keep silent, going about business as usual, not bothered by FIVE witnesses of TRUTH.

Thus, the Christian church has become comatose, accepting false teachers not educated in science that avoid the issue of God’s Wrath, responding, "No one knows the time," misquoting a Bible verse. Unbelief and Christian doctrine fairy tales have closed the door to God’s Plan for Mankind. Instead, they are forced to adapt to a culture where the divine laws of good and evil have been morphed into relativity, blurring the differences between good and evil, denying the ancient rule of divine law.

As a result, most Christians have fallen into ignorance and folly. Why have they become so ignorant? Why is money, greed and prestige more important to theologians than science? Worse, why keep alive the denominational quarrels from the Dark Ages? If the modern Christian faith were to be put to trial, could it pass the legal system, while avoiding the five witnesses required establishing sound doctrines?

To prove my case, I recently sent out 80 Babushka Egg #12 books to warn Daystar TV theologians and pastors. I was not surprised to get only 3 thank-you replies and 6 send money requests on expensively colored form letters. Yet, my Babushka egg Apocalypse warnings have been freely available on the web for over 10 years, translated in other languages like German, Spanish and Arabic.

I have never received one single reply from pastors or theologians, or even perhaps an encouraging comment showing some consideration for such an important subject. Being aware of the disagreeable results when unfamiliar Bible TRUTH is presented, Saint Paul urged the leaders of the Christian faith to call the elders for discussion to safeguard the true Christian faith. I, being a successful science professional and Christian - now troubled, ask, “Why have TV preachers managing million dollar budgets not responded upon receiving a wonderful free Babushka egg book? Why not show good manners and ask a secretary to reply?”

Surely such silence only demonstrates that they are not interested in God's message, deriding the fact that Jesus dated His Apocalypse. Many popular preachers on TV speak about all the glorious things God has done in their ministry, but where is your "fruit" expressing love perhaps courtesy? Will it articulate the fundamental principle that one really belongs to the body of Christ? Or just wanted the benefit of a religious business to manage an opportunity? Jesus had the same kind of trouble with the religious establishment. A reality (9th Egg) was coined when FED bankers suppressed free energy for 80 years but worse is when theologians rebuff Christian witnesses.

 Ignorance is a curse but suppressing Truth is evil.

Why was the Word of God not investigated using five witnesses to test doctrines misused for prestige and to make money? When (Christian) salt became tasteless it produced a denominational Christendom where minority atheism rules. Not surprisingly, theological confusion caused Christians to become victims of lying scholars from the atheistic evolution camp that controls an educational system sliding to inferior levels in utter ignorance.

For proof, compare an 8th grade exit examination from 100 years ago with a modern college degree. No wonder Christians have lost the contest. They have ceased to stand up and fight, especially in America. They failed to keep prayer and the Bible in the classroom. A new generation has grown up poorly educated only taught atheistic unscientific theories void of logic.

Entrapped Christians now have lost their privilege having become comatose too. What perverted the Christian faith? Was it newly printed money, higher salaries and unheard benefits linked to an easy lifestyle, which appointed ignorant preachers to be entertained with what feels good, forgetting the purpose of why God created mankind.

It is sad that most TV preacher-merchants of faith are stuck in a hundred year-old misunderstanding repeating a mantra, "No one knows the time." They still postulate personal opinions of some Christian mish-mash, ignoring the (5) five witnesses needed. It is similar to a damaged groove of an old record that only plays the dented track over and over never realizing there is music on the other side. They will surely fail the Bridegroom passing, not having enough oil reminiscent of a Christian dreaming of a rapture to avoid conflict. (Matt. 25) They will perish like Noah's relatives who missed the boat.

Why did many Christians vote for corrupt atheistic politicians from high office down to the school-board level? Why allow God’s Word to be adulterated to make it conform to a more fashionable language? Publishers went overboard mistranslating the Bible which blurred the Christian faith resulting in confusion as to believe that Jesus the Creator of the universe does "not know the time" of His promised return. Postulating "a date" of God’s Wrath is branded unpopular and generally avoided by people who do not understand that Bible calendars conform to an unknown declining earth axis wobble. 

Remember, if the righteous watchman keeps sleeping, ignoring all warnings and therefore sinning - he will die. That is serious. Could it be you? The Bible verse in Ezekiel 18:26 spells out various conditions of life and death meant for theologians not believing what Jesus said. God will separate the wheat from the chaff. If you desire to honor the Lord, maybe you should discard speculated opinions in so many prophecy conferences. Advocates of such false teaching quietly ignore the five (5) Bible witnesses required to prove a Bible doctrine case in any court of law.

Many grandiose plans fuelled with big money may be useless because they oppose Jesus' teachings, being ignorant of the schedule of the Bridegroom's appearance. Only those who belong to the assembly of (5) virgin witnesses will be awake at the His arrival, and will be separated from imitation play-actors watching TV the Pope visiting Jerusalem 2014 surrounded by peacocks theologian. Appointed true Saints will receive more oil sufficient to be chosen by the King. (Matth. 25) Some Christians who stored up more oil will have an advantage, being better informed about the scheduled Bridegroom's arrival date, dated by Jesus Himself and disclosed in many Babushka eggs to widen a knowledge horizon 360 degree.

Once more He is coming back in His cosmos Star of Bethlehem satellite revisiting the earth. Looking closer, that satellite will be brightly lit, shaped like a golden travelling Royal City (described in Rev. 21:10). This time it will announce the reign of Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He will initiate a divinely planned civilization without trace of evil, resulting in a period of peace on earth to last 1000 years, or better yet, for Daniel's 490 years.

Please be not offended - especially preachers in the public square, but God's business is very serious - similar to when the Apostle Paul faced an atheistic crowd in Greece. This is your last opportunity. You've only got two years to go to announce the final Jonah's warning that could save some from God's Wrath, now dated with unusual moon and solar eclipses in the sky as taught by science. Watch an extraordinary solar eclipse on Nisan 1 (March 20, 2015) and compare it to the ancient Babylonian sun religion embedded in the Vatican, which has shaped Western Civilization:
Fossilized Customs - The Pagan Source of Popular Customs

But trusting the Bible could gain you a huge reward, if you believe what Jesus said. (Luke 21:32) Perhaps you could learn a little more about the Hebrew culture and holidays. Misled Christians should notice only the Saints will witness the biggest event: Jesus Christ's return to earth now dated in agreement with science and matching a Hebrew holiday structure divinely instituted: 28 September 2015. Thus you will know the embedded Bible schedule. But if you are a Christian and want to survive make sure you are appointed a Saint.

God's Plan for Mankind is regulated like a business running on a schedule. This opportunity from science matching the Bible will not last forever. There is still time to investigate more witnesses like ancient bronze-gold clocks exhibited in museums, which can be converted to the Julius Caesar Calendar to understand some dating of the Apocalypse. Only if true science is overlaid with prophecy a date is thus exposed matching what Jesus said:

"Truly this generation will not pass away till all has taken place." (Luke 21:32)

One generation is "70 years" as proven by (Job 42:16), and many Hebrew concept witnesses linked to some science specialties for scholars. But if you can think in simple logic, count from Israel's rebirth 1947/48 by adding 70 years applied to Jesus' sayings:   

(1947/48 + 70 = 2017 AD)
Feast of Tabernacles, 15 Tishri 5778

Why do modern day prophets, speakers, theologians have no guts to investigate Jonah's WARNINGS, refusing to pay attention to the dating of God’s Wrath nearing its destination. The ELOHIM must first terminate Evil before Jesus arrives as King of Kings and removes its consequences embedded in all the Kosmos. It is resolved in the Daleth dimension with a five (5) month Apocalypse.  

There is still time to read some Babushka egg science booklets. I recommend you read them backwards, as the ELOHIM revealed a little here, a little there like (Isaiah 28:9-10). This process took ten years to dictate to a modern scribe in exposing hidden Bible truths for the first time of how & why God created a universe illuminated by science to enhance the story of God’s Plan for Mankind.

My hope is that some will learn why God created man, applying true science embedded in the greatest 6000-year old history book of mankind. Much of the Bible is still distorted in church by deceived theologians, and forbidden in the halls of higher learning. Applying science expands Bible history. Like when God confused the languages replaced hieroglyphs now developed into flexible ancient alphabets to preserve prehistoric knowledge from before Noah's time (2288 BC) now embedded in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS).

Theologians who wish to widen knowledge horizons and to be better educated should investigate why God’s Wrath will destroy again our earth, just like the Atlantis Civilization disappeared hit by a forgotten asteroid (5 February 2287 BC) causing a number of earth axis "wobbles". These facts are not taught in atheistic schools, yet could prove the Bible to be right. You could verify it for yourself.

Check out the ancient calendar why Julius Caesar in 54 BC inserted two months or 62 days and Pope Gregory added 14 days projected from Noah's time with a declining earth axis wobble estimated to stop on 21 December 2012, unless disturbed again. That should make it obvious why prophecy theologians are wrong in dating the Apocalypse not understanding that the calendar in Daniel 588 BC and John’s Revelation AD 95 time frame was shorter. The length of a day in ancient times was not 24 hours long measured in 2012.

Read the 3rd Babushka Egg, Ancient Calendar Mysteries, also confirmed by NASA’s GRACE Satellite instruments, matching (5) witnesses proving my Bible dates. The Bible deals with three civilizations, one still future, but we can triangulate prophecy being written in advance by (AxB=C) because (2) two are known. HANS gives us the outside borders of the equation with ancient clocks which makes Daniels prophecy week = 14.305678 years, similar to the older Aztec calendar’s 14.30 years with a shorter fraction.

Why do many preachers not believe in dating the Apocalypse? They should be educated in a little science to know that prophesied Bible dates calculated using the Julius Caesar calendar will be off due to an earth axis wobble, which was fixed only last year.

Or ask, “Have you ever visited museums to learn about a dozen ancient clocks linked Jesus Christ BC/AD?” It can be done without computers. Just check the ancient bronze 32-gear Antikythera clock, over 2200 years old, finally now decoded in my third Babushka egg concept book after 100 years. Ever wonder why there was darkness for three (3) hours and earthquakes when Jesus hung on a cross? Noah's asteroid caused numerous earth axis wobbles causing more ice on the poles which resulted in shorter seasons to grow food. A wobble flipping (5) times now fizzed out on 21 December 2012, which is proven by NASA’s GRACE Satellite. (Joshua 10:11-13; 2Kings 20:11)

This will be the last Jonah message to warn an atheistic hi-tech, computerized world. It exposes their evil lies, which have put this planet in danger of extinction, threatening the very existence of all LIFE. It ought to avail any slumbering Christians to wake up from deep sleep, as they are about to see the sign of four (4) blood moons in the sky matching Hebrew holidays, not repeated in 500 years, starting the great earthquake caused by an 52 km asteroid already in orbit to hit the earth. (Rev. 6:12)

Reading from Revelation 14:6, many angels will announce seven messages linked to a rapture misunderstood by many theologians. It could be better explained by watching a 360-degree roundabout movie with different perspectives. If you stand in the middle, you can observe on one side earth, (4) Daleth (this world in this time), and the other side (5), Heh dimension (heaven) at the same time. This last 21st Century Civilization will terminate with an asteroid already in orbit, projected by science. Not only will Satan be bound in hell, but also the KOSMOS, heavens and earth will be purged of all EVIL forever, concepts not preached in church. (Egg #11 & 12) 

It will usher in the greatest cosmic climax everybody will see worldwide: "the Star of Bethlehem" once more levitated in the sky, a little closer, vastly big, estimated in the bible over 1500 miles across blocking the sun, a Royal Cosmic Satellite City described in Revelation (Rev.21:9), hovering over Jerusalem for ten days as prophesied to finalize God's Wrath on 17 September 2015.  

Everybody on earth will see that huge spectacle in the sky, shining immensely more brightly than the sun cancelling the night. All will be shocked to see a Kosmos Satellite to unleash seventy (70) dreadfully noisy and destructive Apocalypse events predicted to happen ON THAT DAY as previously announced by four prophets decoded by Zephaniah (4+one = 5) explained in Babushka Egg #11.  

Many churchgoers believe they will be raptured. But could they be wrong and not invited to stand before the ELOHIM throne from a world without borders? (Rev. 7:9-17) Considering that the majority of the world's population has never heard the Gospel across 6000 years of history, are only Christians saved?  

Contrary to a privileged church belief system, many will perish but not lost, as God treats every soul equally by using different balances like we do in a commercial business with unequal pivot center. For Christians to be invited to dine with Jesus and received extra truth, much more will be asked of them since they are better educated knowing God's Word. All mortals will stand before the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11) to be evaluated against God's standard.  

Thus, some will on their level receive the same reward, Eternal Life. God looks deeper at the intention of the heart; He checks out our immune system how much was rooted to know good and evil. All were tested by SIN to make us aware we need forgiveness.

Some received a pardon based on God's mercy revealed in the Bible; some refused willfully believing a LIE (don't blame Satan!). To fully understand what you have just read, consult Babushka egg #11 and egg #12. (It cannot be condensed.)

Most Christians have the reward system screwed up, because it is not taught in church. Much confusion exists as to who is to be raptured, who to be resurrected or left behind to die on the seventh Apocalypse trumpet blast. Maybe what will be snatched and carried away are mortal baby children being separated from shocked parents who will be left behind. How can mortal babies untainted by evil be saved from certain global apocalyptic death?

A solution could be the concept of Saints being called the "First Born" by the angels. After the resurrection of the Saints, while on the way to the Golden City in the sky to join the heavenly congregation, they will kidnap or piggyback some mortal baby children as a "First Fruit Harvest" presented to the ELOHIM, in keeping with the Hebrew thanksgiving festival. Thus, some innocent babies will be raptured and survive the Apocalypse while terribly upset parents left behind will be looking for their disappeared babies. The Bible reminds us of a higher level of ELOHIM's Kosmos law: (Ezekiel 18:4)

Know that all lives are mine, a life of a parent as well a life of a child is mine. The soul that sins shall die.  

When the satellite wedding party of the King is over, the Saints will return 10 days later with their precious first fruit of mortal children. They will come back with the Lord Jesus to repopulate God’s Kingdom on earth, now specially anointed by ELOHIM and branded as holy. But how many children will be saved?

World kcuckoo ClockAn interesting idea can be summed up as already pointed out in Babushka Egg #12: Revelation tells us that all the fallen angels and demons now expelled will come up from the underworld prison (Heh dimension) now emptied, appearing on earth (Daleth dimension) for five months to be executed by four special Death Angels (the Second Woe), purging the Kosmos from all evil. A number of 200 million fallen angels is mentioned in (Rev. 9:16. - Pearls #107, #168,  #200)

When I examined Satan's rebellion 4488 BC in the Heh dimension, it created a vacancy in the Kosmos administration: one third of the government Satan and his bunch were thrown out. Thereafter, the Creator ELOHIM decided to refill the available vacant job positions with future Saints. Mortals are created in a two-stage system analogue (caterpillar-cocoon-butterfly) to be inoculated and gain knowledge of good and evil. But the Saints are special, appointed from the pool of mankind chosen to be resurrected first, starting from Adam 4004 BC to AD 2015 for a unique task to govern the angel domain in the Heh dimension.

Overlaid, we may have 200 million resurrected Saints now being specially educated to govern a universe while gaining experience to rule in God's Kingdom on Earth. To continue mortal mankind, God appointed ISRAEL to survive with 200 million branded holy children to maintain mortal ethnic cultural nations.

This can be calculated from 7.2 billion people now on earth with a fertility rate of 1.14, mounting up to a population of 82 millions in a given year, which is close to my biblical estimation of 200 million children saved from 1 to 3 year-old babies. Again, I think that mortal baby children, untainted by evil, will be raptured and taken along by 200 million Saints, who select one kid on the return trip to earth. Those appointed special resurrected Saints having a Jod dimension body will become the foster grandparents for 14 mortal generations, spiritually guiding thousands of the grandchildren.

The last curtain call looking up in the sky: while the immensely large Golden City satellite hovers in the clouds with the earth passing daily underneath, the most destructive events will happen. A civilization will end once more in GOD’S WRATH as the prophesied judgment BOWLS are poured out (7) seven days with (70) seventy events recorded "ON THAT DAY", like it rained in Noah's day.

The atheistic 21st Century Civilization will then be totally destroyed, with saved mortals chosen only from Israel in a protective valley split open and a preselected 200 million Gentile babies spared, now returning from God's presence from his Royal Kosmos City to birth new mortal ethnic nations into new societies.

However, the new population will speak only one language, reversing the Babel language confusion, going back to the original Hebrew spoken by Adam and Eve. (Zeph. 3:9) That will be accomplished in the ratio of (7) widowed women to (1) man left over from Jacob's Trouble genocide, well suited to adopting numerous mortal babies branded holy, fed again with manna from heaven until harvesting is reestablished. (Isaiah 4:1)     

Read Revelation from a different perspective. It expanded a vision of the prophetic journey passing right and left on a roundabout movie screen. Revelation prophesied that all mortals are destined to be killed like Sodom and Gomorrah. Those ancient cities had many innocent children who also perished. Likewise, Christians (the soul that sins shall die) and deceived theologians will not survive, lacking the extra oil testified by five (5) virgin witnesses in Jesus’ parable. They will end in judgment with the atheistic One-World system.

 I hope, worried they will not succumb to the Antichrist's "mark" in order to get food for the family to live five (5) months longer and so open themselves up for demon possession to loose eternal Life. (Rev. 14:9-12, Dan. 11:33) Rather, they will need to trust God even more so when facing persecution, imprisonment or death, like the first historic to the last generation Christians. (Rev. 2:10, 14:13)

Not being appointed a Saint or raptured shouldn't worry you. Being mortal destined for the cocoon you will just wake up one day later as a part of the Second Grand Resurrection, which isn't inferior at all, as 1000 years on God's clock, is only one day sleep, "There was evening and morning…" (Gen. 1:5)

A new righteous, divine civilization - God’s Kingdom on Earth - is started. Much that is described in (Mat. 24-26) will then make more sense. The ELOHIM Court case (Egg #10) has been settled by a prosecutor appointed by ELOHIM. God's Plan for Mankind is concluded with this last message, Pearls #107, #149, #168, #200 and Babushka egg concept books #11 and #12.

God’s Wrath <- 17 September 2015
                                     22 September 2017* -> New Life *(Revelation 12:1-11)


Herbert R. Stollorz,

a mere scribe chosen by God, who wants to share God's grace with the advice for everyone to become a SAINT, surviving God’s Wrath one way another by trusting only the Lord Jesus.

To Misled Global Governments

I hope that you will have my new inventions investigated further by your experts. I recently made some new technical breakthroughs as described below and published on the worldwide web. They could help every country on earth to become totally ENERGY SELF SUFFICIENT.

Free energy theories were first postulated sometime ago. They are now featured in many YouTube videos and picked up by hundreds of professional engineers no longer afraid of the US Government or the Oil Cartel. Unbelievably, free energy was made available over 80 years ago, and everybody should ask why the US Government confiscated 700 of Nicola Tesla's patents. Why did it prevent the superior non-polluting fuel of free hydrogen gas split from water invented by the German scientist, Hofmann? That fuel should have been used in the development of nonpolluting automobiles, such as recently demonstrated by southern California police cars. These ideas are now being re-evaluated on the Internet where information can no longer be suppressed. The Hubble telescope showed an immense energy source which fuels a universe, energizing millions of brightly lit galaxies. Educated people should ask, “Could that energy be extracted and made useful for mankind instead of the nuclear and oil pollution so deadly to the environment? That question is investigated in my twelve, free Babushka egg concept books.

Nikola Tesla's Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine (UREE) or Babushka Egg #9

Your experts check out the broader scientific context of these energy ideas by reading my collection of Babushka Egg Concept Books free on the web. These books provide helpful answers to some reader inquiries from people desiring to investigate mankind's knowledge horizons from a full 360-degree perspective. Additional information was added later in the form of "Pearls" that apply physics linked to forbidden metaphysical phenomena.

I am not a religious zealot, but I do quote portions from the Bible, the oldest history book of mankind, still a bestseller. In it I have discovered a lot of ancient knowledge. My research started 10 years ago using scientific methods to date a future Apocalypse. I did not plan write these 12 Babushka egg concept books due to a long life as a research scientist and inventor of various scientific devices. But my vision kept expanding, which led me to use the metaphor of scaled Russian egg-shaped doll images, one inside another as more was revealed incrementally.

My research led to the development of a more logical atom theory than what is postulated by the CERN establishment, despite their billions spent every year at taxpayers’ expense on unproven theoretical opinions not matching physics. They will never discover anything useful by smashing something for 40 years. Being a grandfather, I wanted to better educate my grandkids. I explained that smashing matter would destroy the embedded intelligence information. The results resemble smashing a chicken egg with the biggest sledgehammer. That would never reveal a chicken from the residues scraped off the Nebelkammer wall. My new theory expanded by deciphering ancient gold-bronze clocks exhibited globally in museums but ignored for hundreds of years by science. That opened the door to better explain Global Warming and how free energy from space can be utilized for the benefit of mankind. Photographed galaxies burn with "Infinite Energy"; that in turn matched my new atom theory to explain the mystery of what fuels every atom, why electrons move around in an atomic clock. A generator using the stronger Neodymium-Iron-Boron super magnets to close the loop can harvest excess electrons and produce free ELECTRICITY. Extracting free energy from space should no longer be denied.

         These new science principles were first mentioned in the biblical creation report (Genesis 1:1) that led to redefining Nicola Tesla's Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine on how to extract and harness electricity from magnetic GRAVITY totally free. Being a hi-tech inventor, I have proposed dozens of generator designs that could fuel our economy, power freight trains or Concord jets with “free” energy extracted from space. It should make deadly nuclear-coal power obsolete and power cars without gasoline, as proven by some products currently sold on the Internet.

These new designs could make any country independent of expensive oil without polluting the environment. The media is owned and controlled by the Oil energy cartel and thus forbidden to expose free energy. This cartel has succeeded in preventing cheap and clean energy worldwide for 80 years with lucrative grants given to pay off to every university and silence any discoveries about that technology. True science is now vindicated in my Babushka eggs. Just open the big egg to find another. All tell the same "concept" story.

The enclosed material will be sent to 260 universities for their technical evaluation. You should know about it first.


Herbert R. Stollorz

Pearl #244
Japan's Radioactive Water Disaster could be solved
Free - No cost

An open Letter to the
Embassies of All Nations

Please receive this important and useful information on how the meltdown radiation of Japan's nuclear power station will affect every nation of the world, though located across seemingly vast oceans. These documents describe a fix to this serious radiation threat that will open up free green energy. You will not find it in universities because the criminal Oil-Nuclear cartel has suppressed it. Reject their powerful manipulation by controlling governments through many corrupt administrators. Serve your people!

The choice of what you do with this information is yours!


Herbert R. Stollorz,
Retired Hi-tech President, inventor, scientist, nondenominational Christian

The Russian babushka egg has many smaller eggs embedded, each with the same concept picture belonging together. My writings are organized in a book format that also belongs together, so I call them Babushka Egg Concept Books. My books always link to the "Big Egg" of the ancient Bible compiled by 40 authors across 2000 years. It is the only divinely inspired history book of mankind surviving 6000 years. It is translated in a thousand languages. It teaches physics bathed in metaphysics linking them together in true science. This forbidden information is now available on the web, some of them are translated in German, Spanish and Arabic, free to print or purchase at cost from

Egg #1: God's Plan for Mankind,

Egg #2: Mystery of Tammuz 17

Egg #3: Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries

Egg #4: Genetic Modification Exposed!

Egg #5: Reflections on Global Warming

Egg #6: A Donut Atom Nuclear Story

Egg #7: What is the Time Dimension?

Egg #8: Reader Questions and Answer Pearls

Egg #9: Nikola Tesla’s Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine

Egg #10: Elohim Jod Supreme Court Verdict

Egg #11: On That Day - Jonah's Last Warnings

Egg #12: The Final Proof of 17 September 2015


Faith in the Future Foundation
PO Box 6384, Minneapolis, MN 55406



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