I am only one voice among the many witnesses on the Internet that is not yet controlled by the Oil cartel. We independently discovered what is no longer taught in universities. Nicola Tesla’s discovery of free electricity was deliberately silenced in 1920, as global universities totally stopped teaching about electric motors and generators, pushing dirty polluting OIL instead. They forced the automobile industry to comply, barely improving efficiency. That for 100-year suppression led to a generation being raised without really understanding science applications. This lack of awareness was only bridged by the silent minority of rebels postulating free electricity in spite of oppression. They only annoy the oil-nuclear cartel that still tightly controls corrupt governments linked to their energy departments. But coercion cannot be continued since the Internet has changed our civilization forever, obsoleting a stranglehold on truth. Truth is like a genie in the bottle when released and is stronger than propaganda lies according to entropy laws. Have a little fun and be entertained watching the many short video clips on YouTube about what was suppressed for 100 years. The world does not need to endure another energy war.
It will:
- Obsolete deadly Nuclear Power
- Obsolete dirty polluting Coal Power
- Obsolete the wire power grid network and its associated monopolistic control system
- Obsolete gasoline and drive a car with green energy
- Obsolete Dr. Albert Einstein's equation, E = mC²
Many witnesses in science are demonstrated in these 16 UREE applications due to the new theorized discovery of Herbert's MAGNETIC" GRAVITY. Click the link to download free on the Internet, The 9th Babushka-egg Concept Book launching: The Ultimate Renewable Energy Engine (UREE).
Directory of Lessons & Some Million Dollar Business Ideas
[Click on the title to go to the page. Under construction: not all titles are linked.]
- Introduction - Pearl #259: Free Energy for Dummies Exposed
- #1 - Part 1: An Old Streetcar Motor Generates "Free Energy"- UREE #1
- #1 - Part 2: Non-rotating Generation of “Free Electricity”
- #2 - Air-Levitated Bullet Train, 500 mph at ~50% less cost - UREE #16
- #3 - A Cheap, Indestructible Commuter Car - Pearl #205
- #4 - Advanced Commuter Monorail Train Design - UREE #1
- #5 - A Bicycle Motor Design for the Poor - UREE #12
- #6 - Driving your Motor Vehicle with Water - Pearl #240
- #7 - The Mystery of Water
- #8 - One Solar Panel connected to a DC motor – generator "Will get a thousand times more ENERGY" - Pearl #203
- #9 - Driving a motorcar with a Radio-Loudspeaker Electric Generator
- #10 - Taw-Neutrinos: the Ultimate Energy Carriers
- #11 - Why Aren’t Free Energy Generators in the Shops?
- #12 - What is "Time" Related to "Infinite"
- #13 - Thin Film Technology: A Bigger Jonah Fish (updated)
- #14 - Highway-Train Crossing Made Easy
- #15 - Start a Home-Business from Trash
- #16 - Remove Oil Slicks Clean and Efficient
- #17 - Light Weight Bamboo Bicycle Frame
- #18 - CUBIC CHESS GAME – Eight Boards
- #19 - How to Destroy a Typhoon Vortex
- #20 - Vegetables Bone-Broth Business
- #21- A New Gorgeous Salad Dressing
- #22 - A Vitamin Cconcentrated Virgin bloody Mary Drink
- #23 - Grow Salad Vegetables in a Warehouse Faster with Magnetic Water
- #24 - Create a New Chain Restaurant
- #25 - Locating the Black Box of an Airliner Crashed in the Ocean
- #26 - Cheap Restaurant Update
- #27 - Entrepreneurial Typhoon Protection Kit
- #28 - Mechanical Parking Kit: Become a Millionaire
- #29 - How to Prevent a House Trailer from Flooding
- #30 - Invention for Rehabilitation
- #31 - Rescuing a Failed Restaurant
- #32 - Free Energy to Fly with Compressed Air
- #33 - Forbidden Cheap Energy
- #XX - New Energy Element Discovery