The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter. (Revelation 8:10-11)On March 11, 2011, a massive tsunami triggered by a catastrophic earthquake swept over the coastline of Japan. The power systems that cooled down the reactors at the Fukushima nuclear power plant were knocked offline. The situation escalated rapidly as toxic radiation escaped, beginning its slow poisoning of the people and land around the power plant … and being carried by the wind around the world. Here’s how it went down:
Day 1, March 11, 2:47pm local time: a 9.0 earthquake hits just off the coast of Japan.
Day 1, March 11, 3:00pm local time: A massive tsunami sweeps away buildings, people, and cars, and knocks out the cooling systems at the six-reactor Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.
Day 4: By March 15, three explosions have rocked the nuclear power plant; approximately a quarter of a million people are evacuated from surrounding areas. The plant is emitting as much radiation in a single hour as it normally would in six months.
U.S. drug companies sell out of potassium iodide tablets.
Days 6-9: Workers struggle to get control of the escalating fires and radiation breaches at Fukushima.
Day 10: Contaminants are found in milk and spinach in Japan.
Day 13: Tokyo city tap water is deemed unsafe for infants due to radioactive contamination. The United States blocks imports of milk and produce from Japan.
Day 16: Levels of radioactive iodine reach 1250 times above normal in the coastal waters near Fukushima nuclear power plant.
Iodine 131 and Xenon 133 particles are detected in Las Vegas, Nevada. Potassium iodide continues to be widely unavailable throughout the U.S.
Day 17: Radiation levels spike to 100,000 times normal at the Fukushima power complex.
Radioactive iodine particles have been found in the drinking water supplies of major U.S. cities.
Day 19: Radiation is detected in 15 U.S. states.
Day 22: Japanese beef is found to be contaminated with radioactive particles.
Day 24: Workers begin dumping radioactive water from the Fukushima complex into the sea.
Day 25: Iodine 131 found in drinking water in Philadelphia, Chattanooga, TN, Trenton, NJ, and other locations.
Day 26: Levels of radioactive contamination in fish exceed health guidelines for the first time. Boise, Idaho and Richmond, Washington report radiation in drinking water. Potassium iodide is still extremely difficult to find in the U.S.
Day 27: Radioactive water at 7.5 million times the legal limit is finally stopped from leaking into the ocean from Fukushima reactor number two.
Day 30: Milk samples from Phoenix to Los Angeles test positive for Iodine 131. Vermont milk supply tests positive for radiation, including Cesium 137, which has a half-life of 30 years.
Day 33: The nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima is officially declared a Level 7, a “major accident.”
Day 34 and beyond: Authorities worldwide continue to monitor radiation levels as contamination continues to spread around the globe.
More than three months later, Fukushima has faded from the headlines. Despite the fact that it is now confirmed that Fukushima did indeed experience a core meltdown … despite expert reports that Fukushima is a far worse disaster than Chernobyl … the story has pretty much faded from the headlines of the U.S. mainstream media.
Why isn’t the media reporting on the ongoing tragedy at Fukushima anymore? And why isn’t the mainstream media reporting on disturbing developments like this one: In the weeks immediately following the Fukushima disaster, infant mortality rates in eight U.S. cites near the Pacific coast spiked by 35%.
One big reason …
It’s a political hot potato. Nobody, it seems, wants to suggest to American citizens that U.S. nuclear power plants might also pose a threat. But they do.
A shocking year-long investigation by a major news organization reveals that the nation’s aging nuclear power plants are at risk for a nuclear accident.
And we don’t have to wait for an earthquake or a tsunami, either. There could be a meltdown at any time. Think I’m kidding? Keep reading.
In the wake of the Fukushima disaster, the U.S. authorities have assured us again and again that U.S. nuclear plants are extremely well monitored and very safe. Those assurances, however, are little more than lipstick on a pig .
A recent year-long investigation by the Associated Press reveals a blatant disregard for nuclear safety by both the U.S. government and nuclear industry officials. Investigative reporters pored over decades of public records, demanded the release of documents under the Freedom of Information Act, and interviewed insiders, whistleblowers, and watchdog groups.
What they found is nothing short of shocking, and it all boils down to one theme:
When U.S. nuclear power plants fail to meet safety standards, regulators simply lower the bar so that they can pass … no matter how egregious or dangerous those violations are.
Here are just a few of the disturbing findings from this report.ii
- In the event of an earthquake or other accident, safety valves close to prevent radioactive steam from leaking out. Valves must meet leakage standards. They aren’t supposed to leak any more than 11.5 cubic feet per hour. In 1999, it came to light that some plants couldn’t meet the standard – so the standard was made almost five times easier , permitting a “combined leak rate” of up to 200 cubic feet per hour for four valves at once. Records show that at least one power plant violated that standard … leaking 574 combined cubic feet per hour – 12 times more than original safety standards permitted.
- There are 69 pressurized water reactors in the United States. This type of reactor uses steel alloy tubing to carry radioactive coolant. The tubing is prone to cracking and rupture. The ruptures are well known and well documented … and yet pressurized water reactors are still using this failure-prone equipment. The ultimate risk if such ruptures aren’t addressed? It can lead to a core meltdown.
- When it was discovered how common the problem of cracked tubing was, regulators didn’t required their repair or replacement. Instead, they simply changed the standard. Cracks penetrating as deeply as 40% into the tube wall were now permitted. This is despite the fact that every crack brings us one step closer to a deadly disaster.
- Electrical cables are also subject to age-related damage – and many cables are at least 40 years old. Plant operators have ignored the very real threat these older cables pose. After 40 years one out of every five cables will fail. The potentially catastrophic result? Reactor core damage. As of 2008, there were 269 reported failures of electrical cable since nuclear plants first came online.
- When corrosive chemicals began cracking the nozzles on reactors, plant operators didn’t repair them right away. And despite the safety threat, regulators let them get away with it. Plants were allowed to delay their inspections until it was more convenient for them to make the necessary repairs.
- Containment tanks lined with steel are used to keep radiation contained and away from the public in the event of an accident. Yet as far back as a decade ago, widespread corrosion problems in the steel linings were reported. In February 2002, a safety inspection revealed extensive cracking at the Davis-Besse plant in Ohio. The cracking led to leaks of boron, which in turn corroded the liner of the reactor. The liner was so eaten away that mere millimeters of liner material were all that stood between deadly radiation and the surrounding community.
- Think radiation leaks don’t happen here? Think again. Records going back for years indicate that there have been over 400 accidental radiation leaks from U.S. nuclear reactors. The culprit? Aging underground piping that is difficult to see, difficult to inspect, and even more difficult to repair or replace. Leaks have become more common as power plants age.
These findings are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to potentially disastrous accidents at U.S. nuclear power plants. And as you can see, it doesn’t take the one-two punch of a 9.0 earthquake coupled with a tsunami to release deadly radiation into the atmosphere. It could happen in your backyard … at any time.
What would you do if one of the 104 U.S. nuclear reactors near you had an accidental radiation release … much less a meltdown? Would you be prepared?
When the story of Fukushima hit the news, people rushed to get potassium iodide. Most people who sought it were unable to find it. As we’ve learned from the tragedy of other nuclear accidents like Chernobyl, going without this vital survival supply could ultimately prove fatal.
Potassium iodide has always been a prudent survival supply. But it’s not the kind of thing you can wait to buy until you need it. Supplies are far too precarious. Given what we now know about the state of America’s nuclear industry, it’s more important than ever before. It’s my belief that every American should have a two-week supply of potassium iodide in their survival stash – for every member of their household.
Please read:
Because a lot of the potassium iodide available today is old stock that had been sitting in warehouses for years until Fukushima, I decided to order a batch of fresh high-grade stock from an old friend with some connections to a pharmacist who is also a supplement manufacturer. He's extremely reliable and relentless quality and purity standards. In fact, it took about 3 months to get this particular potassium iodide.
We now have fresh potassium iodide in stock and we've discounted the price so it's affordable. But there's just one catch. You need to order 10 bottles.
That's where you get the "wholesale break." (Some guys sold it for ten times this wholesale cost just a few months ago.) And whether you want to resell it or just stock up at a low price, you'll definitely want to check it out. To get your supply, click here.
Be well, and be ready,
James Paisley, Survival Supplement Team
Solutions From Science
P.S. As I write this flood waters are leaking into the nuclear plant at Ft. Calhoun, Nebraska. The plant is now operating on emergency generators and there are some reports that some fuel rods are now under water. In New Mexico, wildfires are threatening the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory. The fear is that the approaching fire will free radioactive material from the lab area into the atmosphere. Lastly, Japanese news agencies are reporting that Fukushima residents are now showing very high levels of radiation in their urine. Not a good sign.
1-Is the Dramatic Increase in Baby Deaths in the US a Result of Fukushima Fallout? Janette D. Sherman, MD and Joseph Mangano, June 10, 2011., accessed June 23, 2011.
2-AP IMPACT: US Nuke Regulators Weaken Safety Rules. The Associated Press, June 20, 2011., accessed June 23, 2011.
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