Pearl #300: Part 3 -

Dating Yeshua’s Arrival with Ayin – Nun Prophecy?

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Part 3:  A World System is Ending Once Again

(Edited 8/1/2019)

Urgent! Many Christians will be shocked from the greatest prophesied Apocalypse attempting to wipe out Christian cultures by an evil global Elite. A 21st Century Civilization controlled by Satan is now terminated to repeat Noah’s historic divine judgment, billions died in the Wrath of YHWH. The Christian Church became corrupted like Jezebel hence refused the counsel of the Messiah Yeshua standing ready at the door. (Rev. 3:15) Thus most Jews and denominations believed Satan’s lies blinded by atheistic fake science and misread Revelation addressed only to “bond-slaves". Most do not comprehend ancient servitude when Yeshua-Jesus was bought with thirty (30) silver coins for the lowest price of a slave. He gave many ageless warnings that have an ear to hear and urged to repent, or search for the highest position to be a bond-slave-Saint for the King of Kings Yeshua. But witnessing to Truth has consequences like his disciples and many Saint-Christians got killed linked to a bloody Catholic history started in Jude 1-25.

Mankind in the Endtime will again experience the meaning of absolute Evil as nature is unforgiving now severely assaulted the environment, oceans are polluted and poisoned with nuclear radiation. Rachel Carlson warned us in the bestseller Silent Spring (1962). Much information was collected in Babushka Egg Concept Book #4 - GMO Exposed showing that gene patents irreversibly damaged the intelligence of animals and plants, which caused recent worldwide starvation. It is in conflict with Divine Law:  practicing absolute Evil is linked again to a Creator’s Judgment. (Luke 21:10)

What is Trans Humanism? (Tom Horn - July 26, 2013)

Therefore Yeshua’s Kingdom is truly an incubator like a Petri dish to train mortals for a New Earth-Jod-dimension and improve Life for a special unique purpose. When Adam and Eve did not pass the loyalty test and chose death for all, the Creator YHWH-Yeshua the Christ continued Life linked to His atonement on a cross that redeemed a higher species of mankind. The Bible revealed a mysterious divine Third-Adam-Race, but to safeguard his Kosmos inoculated everyone against “evil”. He used the same method of His Resurrection converted to Pre-Mini-Resurrection to secure probation for those disadvantaged during Satan’s 6000yr. Domain. It asks in Pearl #300 has the Creator predestinated Life-Death for every human or is it fixed by individual choice? So being exposed to Evil maybe mortality was shorter like the age of presidents (35yr.) in the US Constitution? (Pearl #126)  

While waiting for the coming global judgment, watch for the last signs like the deletion of all Bible web-videos to repeat the Dark Ages and Two Witnesses from heaven to announce The Wrath of YHWH once more. Future Israel is not replaced but will be the head of nations during Yeshua’s Kingdom. (Please read Isa. 30:18-26.) Accordingly, trust only Yeshua who atoned for our sins on the cross and make the right choice. Why not ask to be chosen to join His royal Sainthood circle, discover your Gift and the great prize? (Pearl #888)  To widen knowledge horizons, watch before the web is removed or quickly copy some Babushka Egg concept Pearls information. The Kingdom of Light will soon appear after the addendum of Daniel’s 2300 days (Dan. 8:14) to restore a different sanctuary now dated on page 20.

 Episode 1 | Final Redemption of Israel (Premiere)

Nun = 50 Jubilee in Prophecy

Before retiring as an inventor, I managed my own hi-tech million-dollar corporation in California for twenty (20) years and learned much from scientific journals. But studying the Torah-Bible gave me a balance to discern metaphysics laws from physics. Yeshua’s Kingdom has not yet arrived from space; hence let’s investigate 120 Jubilees in history of 6000yr. Now adding 20 Jubilees could still end the Daleth dimension in 3018AD? Moses introduced the 50-year Jubilee, which gained importance initiated by the Shekinah Glory. (Lev. 9:23, Exod. 12:2) Selected Bible verses were copied in a table Babushka Egg Book #1 that dated Shavuot 24 May 2018 with a prolonged Time+Season. (Dan. 7:12) It is confirmed by ancient clocks exhibited in museums in Babushka Egg Clock Book #3. Revelation measuring time in heaven is dated on earth 20 times faster, like a bronze Antikythera clock is compared to Fahrenheit-Celsius temperature scales.

A 7000-yr. Hebrew calendar projected the center of Time at 518 BC, which should be linked to (Rev. 11:1). The Bible recorded that a portion real estate of three (3) Ayin Temple destructions is given to gentiles for forty-two (42) months to close a Time Dimension 3018 AD. [3½ yrs. x 1000 = 3500]. (2 Pet.3:8) Perhaps is exchanged for another real estate in the Golden City measured by a special angel too. (Rev. 21:15) Thus correlated a different worship center prophesied by Ezekiel (Ezek. 40:1) like a pyramid reproduced many times in a new Jod dimension that outdated a Solomon Temple. (Pearl #247 & 174).

A faulty Hebrew calendar was updated ten years ago in the first published Babushka egg concept book to match Daniel’s Ayin (7x70) cycles still dating “Time” from 518 BC to 3018 AD. Make a horizontal line but split the diagram into two parts (6000-1000) to connect a120th Jubilee on 2018.  Now mark some important dates on a horizontal line: 518 BC, 70 AD, 1948, 1968, 2018, and 3018 AD. Maybe the 120th Jubilee is further corrected by an addendum of extra years (Dan. 12:11) shifting Jesus Christ’s birth BC-AD calendar to extend a date [@ 2018]. Perhaps the Return of Yeshua is adjusted at the right time to terminate absolute Evil and Satandated after 2022 AD?

Thus, the Creator YHWH will not watch Satan gloating to destroy his footstool “the earth” with concealed high technology (Pearl #233) like secret HAARP to devastate the environment by manmade earthquakes, floods, droughts and failing GMO patents endangering nearly all Life. Beyond any doubt, God will be consistent and terminate a heinous atheistic World Order financed by FED-IMF evil bankers as most prophesied Apocalypse events have passed witnessed on censured disappearing YouTube videos. Only the Two Witnesses have not yet appeared from heaven to confront Satan, as a world is deceived imitating creation intelligence in computer TV robots.

Very few will survive God’s Wrath, but notice, a clock in heaven is faster! Thus the sun - moon will darken by one-third for10 hours. (Rev. 8:1) [½ x 20] In the clouds the world will see a huge levitating 1800-mile Golden City (Star of Bethlehem) and hear earsplitting noise from seven Thunders. (Pearl #242, Rev. 10:4) It is similar to the movie Close Encounter (1977) as Yeshua is coming back from space with millions of hostile angels. Read the response of many atheistic world governments shocked by the next foretold woes of the Greatest Apocalypse (Rev. 6:15-17) arriving at last, being warned in Babushka Egg Concept Books #10-14 and many Pearls, revealing Truth.

Ayin = 70 in Prophecy?

When I looked closer at the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) and focused on the letter Ayin (70) symbolizing eyes to express: the sum total of this world, it opened prophecy of Daniel & Revelation linked to the Hebrew calendar of 140 Jubilees matching 14 Daniel Ayin (7x70) cycles. Reviewing the Gospels, I assumed that Yeshua’s generation could also be Ayin-70yr. when Israel became a nation (1948-2018) linked to seven (7) yr. Apocalypse birth-pang warnings (2008-2015). Yeshua–Jesus said in the Gospels (Matt. 24:34) that all apocalypse events will pass in one generation; hence, I question if that generation is Jubilee-50yr. or Ayin-70yr.? Perhaps the answer is only found in the Bible when he returns to earth, (Verse 37) which is difficult to date because many calendars are fake science taught in every university. I trust His Word and re-searched prophecy for information as the addendum is not projected by calendars to date Yeshua’ return 2022.

Therefore this scientist-inventor with a pen-name of Jonah-II has warned of a coming Apocalypse to end the corrupt New World Order or Beast system directed by a seven-headed dragon with ten horns matching a Hebrew calendar of 7000yr. not dated by atheistic science. (Rev. 13) Looking through the lens of Bible history, the Creator will this time save more of this civilization (Matt. 24:30) by levitating a huge 1800-mile satellite City. The Golden Revelation City works like a gigantic harvest machine, perhaps the ½ hour silence before the Throne in heaven (Rev. 8:1) is turning the flat earth like a winepress. (Rev. 14:20) Upfront will resemble the dream of Jacob’s ladder with angels ascending and descending (Gen. 28:12) collecting mostly babies and people saved from four (4) death angels. (Rev. 9) Only angels can kill millions of wicked demons, many hiding in possessed politicians destroying the last civilization. And towed behind the satellite is a plow causing huge tectonic quakes to prepare the earth for the Kingdom of Light.

Dating the Apocalypse is not possible with fake science consequently Yeshua said watch the unusual signs (Matt 24:37).  Therefore, the Torah-Bible revealed two mystery calendar systems, one is solstice for Gentile nations and the other is moon cycles for Israel specially appointed as a covenant people to record the history Mankind and commandments desired by YHWH. A Gentile solstice calendar will measure time (Dan. 7:25) 1T+2T+½T, or 42-month (3½yr.), and for Israel (Rev. 12:14) is given in moon cycles 1260 days the same length (3½yr.) with an extra addendum “season”1290, 1335 (75) days. (Dan. 12:11) 

Hence dating without a calendar could be linked to sun-solstice showing that the moon on Google is 27 days short. (365.24 – 27 = 338.24) Converted to recent days (7yr.x 360 = 2520) could calculate how big is Ayin in prophecy? (2520 – 338 = 2182) Overlaying Bible references of the coming 1000yr. Kingdom (Gen. 1:14, Luke 21.25, Rev. 12:1)  reveal Ayin in a teeter-totter equation  (6000  /  2182  x 338.24 = 930yr.)  Maybe 70yr. is related to a reborn Israel [1948-2018 AD] linked to an addendum, or projected the Endtime 3018 AD? Only Israel growing to nationhood guided by the Creator YHWH recorded many divine interventions to control evil. They chronicled how a universe was created in six (6) periods and fuelled the Earth with totally free Infinite Energy suppressed in universities but is featured in free Babushka Egg Concept Book #9 sent to President Obama 11-11-201.. (Pearl #199)

Daniel’s Addendum will prove the
Apocalypse Date (Dan. 12:11-13)

Any Court of Law requires two witnesses now similar presented in many Apocalypse Warnings by a modern Jonah-II under a penname. They were ignored by most Christians when it was dated, because original calendars do not exist. Thus a forbidden Bible was investigated, the oldest book on earth. Educated in fake science, I assumed a 7000yr. Hebrew calendar checking a dozen ancient bronze-gold clocks (Babushka Egg Concept Book #3) exhibited in many global museums only collecting dust. Worldwide true history is suppressed by every atheistic university to deceive everybody in deception and outlawed forbidden Bible knowledge in public squares. But truth was researched by an inventor-scientist pennamed Jonah-II decoding divine Bible prophecy linked to Daniel’s and John’s Revelation applied to calendars linked to museum clocks. Only recently discovered that the “addendum” of Daniel's 2300 Heh days may operate 20 times faster in heaven as earth clocks? (Rev. 12:6) Thus recalculating the“75 Heh days” is in conflict with theological doctrines taught in many Christian denominations.

Let’s get a 2nd historical outline of the Genesis report overlaid with a cuckoo clock dial. The Plan for Mankind started with Daleth-earth = 4 (Gen. 1:2) linked to a Heh-heaven = 5. Thus the Creator employed Moses to chronicle mankind’s early history = 6 and Daniel to reveal the Endtime 3018 AD = 7. The Great Apocalypse was exposed by John to explain how Evil is terminated in the fullness of time = 8 and judged with a Wrath of YHWH. It will usher in a divine Kingdom Teth = 9 of a new civilization divinely ruled in righteousness restored forever for a future new Jod =10 dimension.                    

Dating the transition time is a paradox. The Gospel Mark 13 declared, “…no one knows the day and hour, but only the father.” (v. 32) But when Yeshua rules as King of Kings, he will terminate Satan’s domain by a hidden 2300 Heh days Addendum (Dan. 8:14) of 1260+75 days+965 days. Perhaps the Apocalypse could be amended by correcting the 120th Jubilee now scheduled with (70+4.106+52.84 [JC] yr.). Daniel 12 reveals two (2) resurrections, which raises a question, “Is it dated 2018 AD, 3018 AD or both?” Since no original calendar exists, Yeshua said, “Watch!” Will He come back to earth in an addendum? (Dan. 12:11-13) The Plan of Mankind will end with the temporal Time dimension (1T+2T+½T) in an added “season” referred to as “75 Heh days”. Thus, if heavenly clocks tick 20x faster and are linked to John (Rev. 11:3), then Yeshua’s divine Kingdom could start with an accepted 120th Jubilee on Page 23 (4/18/2018 + 4.10yr. [JC]). The prophet Ezekiel (Ezek. 40) revealed a prophecy of a bigger worship sanctuary restored in New Jerusalem thus obsoleting Solomon’s Temple, now is centered on a pyramid structure not understood. (Pearl #247) It is replicated for a reunion of Saints in an expanded Jod dimension. To survive YHWH Wrath, focus on a hidden “addendum” dated next page 5-28-2023.

Hidden Bible Codes Reveal Incredible Message to Humanity! (Yacov Rambsel)

The Hebrew Alphabet Number System of twenty-two (22) letters is framed by Yeshua: [1]+20+[1] “I am the Alpha and Omega” (Taw) associated to Daniel’s Hebrew calendar (14x490 = 6860yr.) with leftover time of 140yr. (2x70) which dated the Endtime with Revelation [98+2] x70 = 3018 AD?

A Final Discovery Date of Yeshua’s Return –
after 2022 AD?

Daniel an influential Babylonian official revealed history how Evil will end. Only the Torah-Bible will enhance reality and could question: why would YHWH destroy a civilization again similar to a judgment like Noah’s Flood 2288 BC? The Creator completed the purpose for mankind either by the chosen people of Israel being saved like the Esther story, or (Mark 13:30-33) The Hebrew calendar [page 25] proclaimed the Endtime 3018 AD to 518 BC (Dan. 12:7) which is 3500 Julian years, as Daniel’s Time = “1T” is 1000yr.

1T+2T+½T = 3500yr., 42 Months or 1260 days =70yr., 1 Week =7yr.  

The End of Evil can also be dated with three (3) Jubilees: 119th (1968AD) and 120th (2018 AD) projecting the restoration of a “sanctuary” (Ezek. 40) in a rebuilt new city Jerusalem linked to 121st Jubilee (2068 AD). Maybe Daniel’s addendum of 2300 Heh days (Dan. 8:14) is solved [1260+75+965] by adjusting 1260 days to Ayin with a reborn nation Israel of 70yr. (70x360 = 25,200 Daniels days). Hence it seems that clocks in heaven (Dan. 10:13) are 20x faster calculated (25,200/1260=20), which equals [70]+4.10+52.84yr. (965x20/365.24) Thus, the deciphered 75 Heh addendum days (30+45) is on earth 600 [JC] days (30x20), which could be linked (4/18/2018 + {1yr .+ 7mo. + 22 Days}) to an Abomination on the Temple property. Watch the city Jerusalem or the World NEWS (December 10, 2019)?

Then [1290-1335] added 45 days (45x20) = 900 [JC], totaled to 1500 [JC] days (1500 / 365.24) = 4.107 yr. Daniel foretold that the nation of Israel will face a dreadful Jacob’s Trouble - perhaps related to Israel’s Independence Day (4/18/2018 + 4.107yr.) and settled on Yom Yerushalayim, 28 May 2022.

The first two Babushka egg books were translated in four (4) languages and found they were regulated by Jewish holiday cycles (70+50yr.) on a 7000yr. Hebrew calendar, which was corrected only by 35yr. Julian calendar at (BC-AD) to project birth pang warnings of Yeshua’s 2nd Coming. By calculating Daniel’s addendum in moon cycles (2018 AD), it was short a solstice 27 days starting with Adam @ 6000yr. linked to finish the Endtime 3018AD. The last 15 years (50 - 35 =15) is embedded in the final 1000yr. (1000 x70 / 6000 = 11.666) with leftover time being short by 3.334 yr. (15-11.666) matching a 120th Jubilee with converted fraction of four (4) months. It could start the prophesied Seven Sealed Thunders (Pearl #242) on Independence Day Jerusalem (4/18/2018+ 3.334) related to Rosh Hashanah 7 September 2021.

Mankind’s schedule was dated (24 May 2018) on a Seven Year Apocalypse Table of the first Babushka egg concept book [p. 489] utilizing “T1-Time” (Dan. 7:12) plus a “Season” matching (Rev. 20:5) could be the missing addendum of (75 Heh days) short by 4 yr. on the 120th Jubilee. Moon cycle fractions across 6000 years of a Hebrew calendar designed for Ayin of 70yr. should be corrected at Adam (4004 BC) by 2yr. plus 2yr. at (588 BC) to match the Endtime (Dan. 12) now finalized (+11.6yr.) on 3018 AD. To project the fullness of Time employing Moon cycles (5/24/2018 + 4yr. + fraction) will predict a 2ndApocalypse again matching Yom Yerushalayim 28 May 2022.

Yeshua’s civilization could start with Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday. Customarily after a Shemitah year all survivors of Israel plus strangers will gather to read the Torah-Bible every seven years by a “King” in Jerusalem. If the disparity of the 120th +121st Jubilees is added (2 x 2.84 - 4.10 = 1.58 yr.), it could start with Hanukkah matching a Jewish holiday =19 December 2023.

The Apocalypse is Ending in a
Huge Crescendo

Forty Bible penwriters recorded many warnings concluded in Revelation. In addition, countless divine Genesis facts were discovered by an old inventor scientist pennamed Jonah-II examining suppressed fake science and ersatz calendars. Perhaps the next generation might ask, “Why is a worldwide population destined again to be judged in a historic destruction like Noah’s Flood? Maybe it is similar to Christians not responding to current human disasters (Matt. 25:41) - millions of desperate starving families escaping death like South America to Mexico. History again is linked to a coming judgment of YHWH Wrath comparable to Sodom & Gomorrah.

Educated in fake science, I did not know that a Hebrew calendar is different and synchronized Moon cycles in (19yr.) to solstice, is short by190 days. An extra Adar-II month of 30 days is added every three years. (19/3x30=190) Because the 120th Jubilee is not correct ending in 5778, a ratio is handy to convert the 190 days since Adam (6000yr.) using very sensitive fractions. (19x364.24 = 6939.56 / 7129.56 =.973350389 x 6000 =159.89766 yr.), thus all Jubilees settled with leftover 9.897666 years only corrected by 35yr. @ BC-AD linked to Yeshua’s Kingdom. [35+9.897666+5.102334 = 50yr.] 2King 20:1-11 stated that a solstice was lengthened by10° (@ 360) totaled 9.89yr. counting the extra 5yr.-37days to same event date (4/18/2018) Yerushalayim, now 5/28/2023.

Consequently, the very heart of this prophesied Apocalypse will terminate a 6000yr. old Satan Domain plaguing mankind to end in fire. Worldwide all of his demons-angels [condemned forever to outer darkness] (Rev. 9) will seek a better Death option offered only in the Daleth earth dimension where mortality exists. (Mark 5) Yeshua prophesied it will be the worst time ever for a high-tech society collapsing in a climatic crescendo caused by demon possession on a murder rampage. Only Satan is put in a nether-prison as a lone survivor, so that mankind will no longer be controlled by “Evil” opposing the Creator on a temporal earth. It is countered by the greatest NEWS event from the White Throne, a Grand-Resurrection of a special Saints-race to populate the universe. (Heb. 11) They are members of the Golden City; hence exempt from physical laws and mortal Life. Thus countless resurrected Saints who lived across 60 centuries will raise many from death in their neighborhood that agreed on a verdict Probation of a Jod-Court now tutored in eternal Life for a new home in a Jod dimension. 

It is countered by the greatest event, a Grand-Resurrection of a special Saints-race to populate the universe. (Heb. 11) They are members of the Golden City; hence exempt from physical laws and mortal Life. (Ezra 10:44) Thus countless resurrected Saints becoming bond slaves of Yeshua who lived across 60 centuries are well qualified to raise many from death in their neighborhood that agreed on a verdict Probation of a Jod-Court now tutored in eternal Life by many Saints for a new home in a Jod dimension.

Therefore this current wicked atheistic World System will end once more in a prophesied Apocalypse with the loudest Crescendo caused again by the highest Arch-angel Lucifer now finally judged by Kosmos Law linked to YHWH’s WRATH. His atheistic hi-tech FED-IMF banking system to control mortals is abruptly ending in a huge cataclysm by an invasion of millions of loyal angels. It was started by two (2) ancient mortals belonging to a royal registry before the White Throne serving 1260 Heh days to represent the status and purpose of the mortal human race, like Michael the Arch-Angel is for Israel. Prophecy exposed that Clocks or Time in heaven are 20x faster, not realized by theologians misinterpreting seven (7) years, hence YHWH’s judgments are very short if linked to the Seven Seals ending in Seven Trumpets.

The earth will once more be tectonically shaken, totally destroying Jerusalem and all its religious buildings replaced by a single Pyramid worship complex. (Ezek. 40) Therefore, consider the greatest Gift of Eternal Life known to Mankind offered by Yeshua. His Kingdom System is at the very front door to be worshiped by survivors and crowned World Emperor in a redeemed Israel after Solstice 2023 or 1Tishri 5783.

[Print an illustrated pdf of Part 3 with pictures.]

Please check:

7000-year Table














Babushka Egg concept books, Pearls & Dummies Energy Lessons.

World Cuckoo Clock

Addendum to Pearl #300 (pdf).

















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